Merging Directions

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(Naomi's P.O.V)

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else! The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed! And when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell! You don't know! You don't know you're beautiful! That's what makes you beautiful!" I sang along as the radio blared.

There was a knock on the office door and I turned down the radio. "Come in!" I called.

"Shut the hell up Halls! Some of us are trying to work!" My co-worker Faith Stahler yelled at me.

"Well sorry. No need to get so mad about it. It's just singing," I rolled my eyes at her and went back to typing on my computer.

"No need to get mad about it? I can hear your screaching from the other side of the office! Just shut the hell up so I can finish this review I'm working on!" She yelled at me.

Just then our boss came marching through the door. "What is going on here? I can hear you're bickering from the other side of the office!" Mr. Fayes sternly said.

"Sorry sir. I didn't mean to bother you," I appologized.

"So you heard us arguing but you didn't hear her horrible attempt at singing?" Faith questioned, crossing her arms.

"No apparently not. Now Stahler, get back to work before I fire you!" Mr. Fayes sternly said.

"Yes sir," Faith pouted before storming away.

As soon as she was gone Mr. Fayes closed the door and sat down in the chair on the other side of my desk. "Ms. Naomi, I have decided to send you on a special assignment," He announced.

"Sounds exciting! Continue," I replied with a smile. I love my job. I am an intern for New York Times and I work for the entertainment division. I get to meet celebrities all the time. I am in my final year at NYU (New York University), and I plan on getting a permanent job here after I graduate.

"I am going to send you to a One Direction concert to write a review of it, and interview the boys afterwards," He told me.

"Are. You. Serious?" I said in awe.

"Yes, is there something wrong? I could ask somebody else to do it," He offered.

"NO!" I practically screamed. "I freaking love them! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I yelled rushing up out of my seat to hug him.

"Anything for my best friends daughter!" He laughed as he hug me. My daddy is a famous CEO of many successful businesses here in New York City. Mr. Fayes has been his friend since they were little boys.

"Thank you so much! I wont let you down!" I smiled, litterally jumping up and down with excitement. One Direction is my favorite band in the world. I have been trying forever to get a ticket to one of their concerts. Even with my daddy's connections I still couldn't find one. They are sold out years in advance.

"I'm sure you wont. You are one of my best writers! I am going to send another writer with you, I haven't decided who yet. I will let you know by the end of the day. And the concert is this Friday, three days from now. I advise you do research on One Direction to help you," Mr. Fayes returned the smile.

"Thank you again! And I will!" I called after him as he left my office. As soon as he was out I squealed with excitement. When I told him I'd do research I didn't really mean it. I know everything a directioner should know about the boys. How Louis loves carrots and the women who eat them. I know Harry loves cats and is a major flirt. Zayn loves his reflection. Liam is terrified of spoons and Woody from Toy Story is his idol. And I know Niall loves Nando's and is the blonde Irish boy!

I put the concert on my calender on my computer before logging out and shutting it down. I grabbed my Gucci purse and grabbed my keys. I exited the office, locking the door behind me. I passsed Faith's now empty cubicle that stood right in front of my office. She must have already clocked out. I thanked Mr. Fayes on my way down the hall and skipped to the elevator. I just got the best news of my life. I am going to meet One. Freaking. Direction!

(Faith's P.O.V.)

I sighed as I walked out of Naomi's office.  I hope she realizes that her daddy is the only reason that she has an amazing office with a view let alone an internship.  Trust me I read a couple of her reports.  She writes like a sixth grader.  I sat back down at my cube and continued my review.  I cringed as I heard Naomi screech in joy.  I checked the time and figured out it was about time for me to go home.  I packed up my stuff and clocked out.  I walked out of the office and down the road to the bus passing the princesses A.K.A Naomi's bright canary yellow convertible. 

I sat at the bus stop waiting for the bus to come, looks like I have a good ten minutes before the bus shows up. I took out a cigarette and waited for it's arrival. I watched as Naomi pulled out in her convertible, nearly dinging the car parked behind her. I breathed in the smoke and exhaled it slowly. Just then the bus showed up. I threw my cigarette down, stepped on it to put it out, then walked onto the bus.

I walked to the back of the bus and took a seat where nobody would notice me. I looked out the window and thought of my co-worker Naomi. Just the thought of her name gave me the urge to smoke. She is a tall and thin girl who looks like she walked  right off of a magazine cover. She has straight light brown hair. Naomi has that happy-go-lucky type of attitude that drives me insane and she doesn't have a care in the world.  The bus stopped a little over a block away from where I live.  I stepped off the bus and started walking to my apartment.  I took out another cigarette and lit it.  I finally made it back to my apartment.  I walked in and sat down on the couch.  Damn princess dosent understand any of the hardships in life.  I know that theres people with worse lives than mine but seriously she dosent understand how easy she's got it.  I sat there on my couch just inhailing the smoke of my cigarette.

I walked into my kitchen  and opened the fridge pulling out some left over take out.  I sat back down at the couch and ate the almost rotten food.  I walked outside and sat down on the curb.  I rubbed my eyes and looked up at the stars and thought a little bit about my life.  I live alone I have lived alone for many years.  I checked my watch to find that it was about one in the morning.  I walked back inside but didnt go to sleep, I cant I have insomnia.  I dont sleep or I have nightmares.  Just then the phone rang, I picked it up not caring who it was.

"Ms. Stahler?"  My boss questioned through the phone.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Oh I didnt think that you would be awake at this time" he said beating around the bush.

"Mr. Fayes we both know you didnt call to chat about my night time issues" I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Ah yes I'm sending you and your co-worker Ms. Naomi to a concert to interview One Direction" he stated getting back on track.

"Ok when is the concert?" I asked not caring that I dont like that type of music, or whom I was partnered with. I need any job I can get.

"Its two days from now you also might wanna find out some backround information on the boys," He informed me.

"Okay thanks," I yawned.

"Meet with Ms. Naomi tomorrow to discuss the assignment," Mr. Fayes said.

"Yes sir," I replied.

"Goodnight Ms. Stahler," he told me before hanging up. Although I am not happy about what the assignment is, I am glad I got this job. I need the money. Desperately.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2012 ⏰

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