Chapter 2

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Ethan P.O.V

"Look she is a spoilt brat and you freaking know that I hate girls like that and then you are expecting me to guard her are you crazy" I yelled at my assistant. He looked a bit scared for a moment but quickly recovers.

"But sir this was told by the head office and it was an order sir not a request so I suggest we start looking for her even before they reach their" He spoke to me very carefully.

"What do you mean by them" I asked him. I was working for the FBI and I took a break for 6 months due to personal reasons and when I came back this was the first news I heard.

I was assigned to babysit a rich spoiled brat. I hate girls like her I makes me remind of two people I hate to the core of my heart.

My heart clenches at that memory. I hate looking back into the past. The pain I endured for these years and now again. I really cannot deal with one now.

But as it an order from the head office there is no choice but to accept it.

"Email me her details" I told my assistant Henry.

"Yes sir" He said and walked out of the room. I looked around the room and loosened my tie and unbuttoned the first two buttons of my shirt. I made myself feel at home and then I heard the sound of a notification. I opened my phone and saw a mail form Henry.

well that was fast.

I opened it and her name was Alexandria Mathews. I have heard that name before.

I read the rest of details. Oh she is only 18. Still a teenager which means it will be more annoying. Why did Oliver choose me to babysit a teenager.

I will talk to him about it later but for now I have to find her. Duty calls after all.

I scrolled down to see information about her parents. Yes I know her she is the daughter of Empire Group. They financed my studies when I was in college. Her father Mr. Mathews was a good man he took care of me and helped me when I need someone. It was too sad that he passed away. Then came an image.

It was a picture of her wearing a white gown. She looked flawless in it that I got struck by her beauty for a second.

She looked breathtaking. In short she looked like an angel. Well looks can be deceiving right.

I took out my phone and rang up the school where Alexandria studies. Someone picks up the call and I asked that person to call Alexandria to the office so that I could meet her and told her that I was her local guardian.

I cut the call and got off my office and walked towards the office parking area and took out my car and drove to her school. I parked my car in the lot and just as I started to walk a guy hit me and ran away without even muttering a sorry.

Idiot I cursed under my breath and turned back and saw the boy he looked like a teenager. He was running very fast as if he was running towards something precious.

Boys these days I told my self and started to walk to the office and just as I walked in I saw the whole office messed up and teachers and students were running here and there and everything was a mess.

God it looks like a world war just happened. I quickly ran to the office of the headmaster and just as I entered I heard him say " I am sorry sir she ran away before I could even say anything" He was speaking in to the phone.

"I know that bitch is worth billons I was too shocked and behind her ran her lover boy" The principal said into the phone.

He didn't see me standing and just as he saw me he cut the call and asked me who I was, I introduced myself as her local guardian.

He shot me an apologetic smile and said " I am sorry sir we called her to the office but she ran away unfortunately" he said the last words bitterly.

"What the hell" I asked him.

"I am sorry we tried everything we could but her boyfriend Jace helped her get out of the school. She went away to see her parents since she saw the news" He said.

I cursed under my breath and ran away into the parking lot so I guess the guy I saw was Jace running away to help her.

I really don't think that the principal is on her side. I thought to myself recalling the conversation of the principal over the phone.

I took out my phone and then dialed Henry's number. He picked after the first ring itself.

"She ran away and her boyfriend is helping her. Can you track down her phone number for me" I spoke into the phone.

" Yes sir" He told me and cut the call.

I drove the car into her parents home. I got off and then made my way towards the house when I saw her running.

She was running as if she was running for her life. Her dress was drenched in blood and she looks as if she was crying.

I tried running towards her but then I heard gun shots. I looked at the direction of the house and saw a few men dressed in black running after her. I quickly took of gun and tried shooting them.

I shot one of the men down and that was when they saw me and one the men came after me but I carefully hid behind a tree and started to search for her but I couldn't find her.

" Oh shit" I told myself and made my way towards my car without being caught in their eyes and I made way towards office.

"Send men into her house and keep guard around it" I told Henry as I reached  office.


Well Ethans Pov is here guys

keep reading lots more to come

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