Acting Again and Auditions

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Allison's Pov......

    It has been a while since I stopped acting. I have finally decided that I am going to get back into the acting business. A while ago I started watching this show called Supernatural and I can say that I have honestly become a really big fan, I mean I wear flannels all the time and I have at least three layers on when I am out of my house.

   When I usually get home from school I go straight to the television to watch Supernatural. I kept telling my mom everyday about this show until one day when my mom said "You know what, I am gonna make you audition for this show since you keep talking about it everyday."

     I later tell my mom "Mom, you can't do that. I will mess up it has been so long since I have acted." My mom tells me "Allison, well your gonna do the audition because I already called your manager yesterday to schedule an audition for tommorow. Your getting in the car right now cause we are going to Vancouver now."

    I quickly get my things ready for the plane ride while my nerves are getting to me. I honestly have no idea how I am going to do this. After a nine hour flight we finally make it to Vancouver Canada. I finally have enogh courage to ask my mother what part I am auditioning for and she tells me "You are auditioning for for the part of Allison Winchester. Sam and Dean Winchester's little sister." I roll my eyes at my mom and told her "Well, I gathered that from the last name mom. Alright I have to go and memorize these I only have two hours left before the audition."

    After I memorized the lines it was time to go to the audition so we quickly get into the car and we drive to the studio. I sit in my chair while waiting for my turn to audition and my phone vibrates with a notification from my friend Haylee.

A:Allison       H:Haylee

A:Hey, what are you doing?
H:Nothing, I was just wondering if you could hang out with me this week.
A:Sorry Haylee, but I can't.
A:Reasons but I got to go bye💜💜

      I quickly get off of my phone because I have my name called which means that it is time for me to audition. I walked into the room and I am surprised to only see the director. I let out a sigh of relief to see that Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins weren't in the room but little did I know they were watching me on a monitor. The director tells me to start when I am ready so I take a deep breath and start reciting my lines that I had memorized not but two hours ago.

Jared, Jensen, and Misha's Pov.......

   The last girl of the audition process walks in to the room that we are watcbing on a monitor. She looks relieved to see that it is just the director in the room. We all have to watch from another room because we didn't want to have any of the actresses panick and walk out of the audition. The girl starts to act out the lines and all three of us look at each other. Jared says "Wow she's good." We all nod in agreement. After her audition is finished the director comes into the room that we are in and asks us "So did we find our new Winchester today?" We all look at each other and nod. Then we all whisper to each other who we are thinking and find it suprising that we are all thinking of the same person. We all say in unison "Allison, she's gonna play Allison Winchester." The director just laughs and we all join in we all find it funny that we picked the girl with the same first name as her character. Then Jared says "Wait, we should all go and congratulate her where is she?" The Director tells us "Well, right now she is on a plane back to Pennsylvania because she has school tommorow." Then Jensen says "Well boys, pack your bags we leave in an hour." We all rush to pack our bags so we can head to the airport.

    More updates coming soon

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