Hell hole of a school

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Hi guys this is my second book I am writing hope you enjoy it without further a due I present dangerous harry styles


Stop it I said while being bunched in the stomach by the bully of the school Afifa Noel  she would stop then the bell for class rang and I quickly ran to my class before I could go afifa said I will be back for you punk when I was almost in class I bumped into my best friend Leanne she and I walk into class together .Leanne sat down next to me and we were the in the front  when the bell rang for gym class I was like hurrah and went to my gym locker to get my clothes and put them on when I came out of the gym room I was surprise to see Sarah Holman she was my other best friend before Leanne came and after that day when Leanne came I have never talk to her since and I think she is mad at me .ring ring ring is wat I heard and was like I got to get to gym class ,I reached just in time to hear my me being called .

45 mins later

ring ring gym class is over then I went no last day of school I ask Leanne if she wanted to come over to my house and have a sleep over then out of nowhere came Afifa and her 3minions behind her she pulled me up against the wall and punished me in the stomach again and it hurt even more then I stood up for myself I started punching her in her rib cage and I would not stop until I saw here drop to the floor and when she did everyone was like wow you beat up the whoe  and I was like hell yeah then someone pulled me back I shock it off when turned around I saw an angry principal over me shoulder and he said you are expelled from this school u are never to come here again I  said OK he said you are to go to east  high from Monday please god then I told Leanne goodbye and went home I when I was almost other I realized that my fathers car was park in the driveway when I got inside I saw my father watching TV with his drunken self he got up and started to beat me and when I was in the corner he stop and fell asleep sometimes I just wonder why my father drinks if he cannot Handel it and when I try to tell him in the morning he does say no I never did that sometimes I just fell to kill him for his stupid actions and then come in the morning acting like if he was an angel for the night when Leanne called me and told me she could not come I was not surprised so I told her to ask her mom if I could sleep over by her and her mom said yes so I quickly packed my bag to go and elected my Dada on the floor ,when I reached Leanne's house I went and gave her a hug she told me that she will miss me and she wish she could come the same school as me told her when Afifa comes back to school   start to beat her up like how she used to beat me up she said OK .

Hello ppl hope you like this story because it was fun writting it you know the drill follow me and Covent and like and I will update soon

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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