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❝ Remember you're the only one who can fill the world with sunshine ❞

❝ Remember you're the only one who can fill the world with sunshine ❞

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Snow White couldn't remember much of what it was like to go outside. The last time she had gone outside was with her father, and he hadn't been around for a very long time; long enough that, if she hadn't had the picture of the both of them hidden under her bed, she would've forgotten what he looked like entirely. For years, she had been living with her stepmother who had made it very clear she was never to go outside, only able to keep her window open and peer out at the San Fransisco scene below, people unable to see her due to the various trees that blocked their view. Homeschooled and isolated, she only had the animals in the trees and her stuffed animals for company.

Or so her stepmother thought. Focused more on running her business and entertaining friends, she failed to realize that Snow beyond the docile and easy-going nature of her step-daughter was an incredibly clever girl who was as adept with technology as she was with her emotions. Having convinced her stepmother to get her more than one screen so as to effectively do her homework, Snow had become a bit of an expert when it came to hacking. Spending the majority of her free time on the internet, her attention was usually taken by an online fantasy game, Fantasie, which could place her within a server of people who played within her general location.

It was on Fantasie that Snow met her friends and partners-in-crime. The Dwarfs, named because they all decided to play as such, were her partners-in-crime, all eight of them working together to expose the corruption of big corporations exploiting the most vulnerable in the world, doing all their work from the comfort of their homes, using VPNs and proxy servers, making them essentially invisible, only able to be tracked on Fantasie, which they use not only as a game, but as a cover. It was also there that Snow met the Prince—a boy who was only ever on late at night, but was always happy to play alongside Snow, trying and failing to show off, much to her delight—and the Huntsman.

Scott Lang. He was a friend that Snow liked to keep to herself. She had tried to invite him on one of their exposés, but he had made it clear that, as much as he enjoyed talking to her, he wasn't going to get involved with anything illegal, even if for a good cause. But that didn't bother Snow. Scott was nice, and while he didn't tell her why, he made it clear that he too wasn't allowed outside, and the two shared cooking recipes and bonded over their favorite books and TV shows. While it had initially been strange talking so much with an adult man, Snow didn't feel any unease when she talked to Scott; it was almost like talking to her father.

So Snow was fine with her life. A good number of friends and a father figure to match, she didn't mind that her stepmother never allowed her to talk to people, nor use her father's name when enrolling in new courses. But when she stumbled upon a conspiracy about her father's death, she soon realized that her comfortable life was about to come to a halt; permanently.

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