Aftershock Effects

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After classes, Arya broke away from her team to look for you and Sinon. While you and she took a walk around to find a place to talk about what happened during the practice match, and eventually you found one. A big tree right outside the dorms.
You and Sinon climbed the tree and then she began.

(Cue song: Blame Me- Project Vela)

"So what happened to me... I - I don't really know where to begin..." She anxiously started.

"Take your time, I'm listening." You said warmly as you held her hand in your hands.

"Thank you..." She replied timidly.

A few seconds went past, then she closed her eyes tight as if to brace herself for what she was about to say.

"Remember I told you about when I killed that guy?" She reminded you.

"Yeah?" You listened carefully.

"Here's the full story... When I was nine years old, I went with my mother to a post office. While we waited, a man walked in, and pulled out a gun on the lady working there. He shot one person dead in front of me, then he... he aimed the gun at my mom..." She cautiously explained

"Sinon..." You weakly whispered, feeling like it's the first time she's telling you.

"Then I, a nine-year-old girl ran in and bit him on his hand, he slammed me against the desk and dropped the gun. I grabbed it instinctively, and he got on top of me to grab the gun, I shot him. He collapsed but wasn't dead, he came at me again and I shot him a second time. He persisted and came at me a third time, which resulted in me shooting him in the head. I k-k-k... I killed him... The gun I used was a Black Star Type 54…" She timidly stuttered.

"No child should have to go through that... nobody should." You said, tears welling in your eyes.

"I actually hope I die! I hope I do! It's better than living with this pain!" She yelled.

"You don't mean that..." You said in a weak attempt to talk her out of it.

"I joined GGO in an attempt to get over my fear, but I'm weak! The world is no place for the weak!" She said as she cried.

"You're a strong person, sure, I can't possibly understand it first hand, but I do know that you can do this. I know you can." You said with determination.

"But I can't! For years I've tried getting over it, but I can't! I've told Kirito about this in GGO, but it's just so painful! And I can't live a life that has no purpose other than crying myself to sleep each night from the haunting memory! Every time I look at that type of gun, I see the face of the guy I killed..." She weakly replied, crying so much.

"What if I do what I can to help? You're my girlfriend and I can't just do nothing, never mind live with myself, knowing that you're suffering like this..." You responded with solid confidence in her.

"Y-you really willing to waste your time and life to try and make me feel better?" She asked with a shaky voice, still crying.

"I can't waste my life on someone I love. I'm all yours, and I want to help you in any way I can. Please... just don't die, because if you die, I die with you." You said firmly.

"So you really want to do this? And you don't hate me or see me differently due to the fact I killed someone at the age of nine?" She asked sternly.

"I want to do this. As your boyfriend, it's my mission to make sure you're happy. How could I see you differently, never mind hate you? You didn't know any better, and I would have honestly done the same if my family was on the line." You replied warmly.

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