Ask/Dare #1

51 2 10

Author:We have our 1st question, and our 1st dare everyone!!!

Everyone:*Cheer except Anti*

Chase:C'mon Anti!You should be excited!

Anti:*sighs and rolls eyes*Just get on with it already.

Author:*Take turns to hug*

Author:Awesome!Wasn't that hard, was it Anti?

Anti:*Rolls eyes*

Author:Anyway, moving on, Chase, Jackie, you two get to prank the others, and they cannot do ANYTHING about it.

Jackie & Chase:Hell Yeah!!!

The next day because Author is lazy

Author:*comes out of room yawning and opens eyes to see Chase and Jackie excitedly whispering to each other*What are you two doing up so early!?

Jackie:Preparing our pranks on the others of course!!

Author:Oh.... Ok. I'm going downstairs to make some coffee then. *leaves*



Prepare for non-original content!!

Chase:*Replaces coffee with tea*

Jackie:*Swaps Anti's shampoo with pink hair dye*(So unoriginal)

Jackie & Chase:*Change Sean's YT channel picture to Markiplier*

(Insert more pranks here)

*Later in the day*

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