Having a 'better' Sleep...

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Bryan's POV~

I walked home ready to have a better sleep for once in a week or two...I get in I go to sleep...

Dream land~

I wake up...I feel small...I get out of bed...I'm a child...I hear something in the hallway...I grab my flashlight...I creep to the door...I peek out, I can't hear anything...I shine my light...I see something disappear...I shut the door...Wait five seconds...I check the closet...Foxy gets the jump on me...I'm screaming for my parents!! Nobody came...Foxy...Opened his jaw---

Reality ~

I shoot up like a rocket, I feel myself shaking...I take deep breaths...I try to calm myself...I haven't had a nightmare like that scince I was four...I eventually calm down...I just head to the pizzeria, I feel really tried but I wanted to see my friends...

Baby's POV~

So...Henry and William are this close to killing each other, I think I need to separate, I hear Bryan come in,"Hello...?", I rush to go see him, I noticed something in his voice,"Bryan, are you OK...You seem down?", he shakes himself awake, "I...Didn't get a good sleep last night...", I'm starting to get worried...Cam and Justin had left...Its up to us to help him, but they said to call them if needed...I look at Bryan, I see he really is tried..."You wanna take a nap?", before he could answer me,"ITS NOT MY FAULT!!", I turn and see they're fighting, I shake my head, wonder how he is my father...

Springtrap's POV~

I still wanna murder Henry but, I had to resist because Bryan was here and he looked like he hadn't had a good sleep...I hope he's OK...Anyway me and Henry were yelling at each other and I noticed Bryan,"Are you OK, Bryan?", he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks..."Yeah...Not a good sleep that's all...", Henry looked concerned about this...I'll be honest...I am too, but I feel like its his bussnies...And not mine...me and Henry glare at each other...Molten was so quiet...I wouldn't blame him...

Molten's POV~

I just watch this unfold, not gonna lie...This is kinda of entertaining...I am deeply concerned for Bryan...I wanna help but...I feel like he is defending something about his mind...but what?

**So, The Nightmares are here to play, so someone gave me this as and idea and I love it, thanks for the idea and for reading the story**

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