chapter 2

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I stayed their in silence until the woman spoke so your Lincoln loud well cant say I expected anymore we've been watching you for the longest time. I said wait doesn't that make you a stalker. She said now we just keep an eye on you so you son step out of hand I said but still that is still stalking me. She said we think of it as persuasive spying I signed their was no way to get over this what's done is done. I stayed their just looking as we pass over royal woods then I remembered the tracking chip that Lisa put into everyone's neck. I turn towards dead shot and said I need you to do me a favour he said and what would that be. I said I need you to tear a part of my neck out he said what the hell kid! I said my sister put a nano tracking chip in my neck that she put in all our sibling. The woman didn't seem surprised she just took out a futuristic allergy pen and stab me in the neck with it. I felt something flowing in my blood stream and I felt a slight electric shock and the woman said it is disabled. I was surprised and said wow.
Back at the loud house

Lisa POV
The whole family was crying because of our brother unit words. I felt sad and I could feel the tears threatening to spill when I remember something. I walk downstairs the whole family was still crying mother unit said we will never see our little Lincoln ever again I said not quite. They all turn to me and Luna step forwards and said what do you mean little dudete she said in Lincoln's neck their is an electronic global positioning chip. Speak English Lisa Lola shouted I sighed simple minded homo sapiens in Lincoln's neck is a tracking chip. They all rejoiced and then Lana said you didn't put one of those in us right I smile nervously and said no I told them to follow me to my room. When I reach their I went on my super computer and said here it is Lincoln it showed Royal woods and the red dot is Lincoln the red dot moved out of royal woods until it disappeared and the screen said this chip was disabled and I was confused and said I'm the only one that can disable the chip. I said well that was our only chance of finding Lincoln and the rest of the family went to what they were doing before which was mourning.
              Lincoln POV
I said so where are we going she said that is classified and I saw her pull out a needle sh stab it into my neck sending some mysterious liquid into my blood stream and I suddenly felt tiredness erupt in my body I felt my eyes getting heavy and I tried to resist it but before I knew it I was out cold the last thing I heared was dead shot whisper sorry LINC nothing personal. When I woke I look up at the ceiling and I saw a gray ceiling and everything came back to me in a rush making my head spin. I quickly sat up and I look forward and saw a whole table filled with a arsenal of guns of different type and ammo for the guns. I step back these were someone else's guns. I hear a voice say go ahead Lincoln. I look and saw a speaker the woman from yesterday must be talking from the speaker. I look at the table and pull out two tech nine I started to fire the target. The bullet slap the metal target their was a red mark as the bullets went through the metal targets head I drop that gun gun and picked up a m16 and fired I had played a lot of shooting game like modern warfare fallout black ops and some others I shot more rounds and I saw the woman from yesterday and I saw a dead shot they were both slowly clapping . I said what the hell he said we were just testing something. I said and said and what would that be he said well we were testing if you can protect yourself. I said that was bullshit she nodded and said that was just a initiations of sorts welcome to the suicide squad. I said well the name sound like we are all going to die she said well in retrospect the original reason the suicide squad form was to kill off the most dangerous criminals in the world I said awkwardly okay. She said but for thus reason we want it because someone I'd trying to summon a entity that when it reaches earth it will send the whole world into chaos and wipe out humanity as we know it. I said well that is I was speechless I couldn't respond to that his do you respond when you find out a chaos god like being is coming to wipe out your whole species. I said wait why don't you recruit someone else. She said because you have a very unique power and we need it if we want to survive. I said I'll for the Fate of humanity. She said since you accept you will need to train. I said why can't you all train me. He said well we are going to let you train with the best. I said and who would that be he shouted hey Bruce in here a man walk in a near black suit he said Lincoln I would like you to meet Bruce Wayne aka batman I finished he said correct Bruce Wayne said so this is the kid I'll be training?,I nodded its nice to meet you Mr Wayne he said just call me Bruce kid I said okay mr- er Bruce he said follow me. I followed him until we reach the outside until we saw a jet waiting on us I said a jet he said go in I ran up the to the stairs and step I'm the jet. I saw a chair I sat down he step in ad the door close and the jet took off. I fell asleep
(In dream)
I was at my house and all my sisters were at the door they were all laughing at me and even my parent
Dream Luna: your just a bad luck loser
Dream Lana: yeah why were you even born your a mistake
dream Lori: and you always ruin everything I don't know why mom had you
DreamLeni: yeah your like so totally a mistake
dreamLucy: yeah I'm glad me left you outside your not a loud anymore we have no brother
Dream Lola: yeah your always snooping your nose where it doesn't belong
The rest of the dream was all my sisters bad mouthing me. And when it reach my parent they gave me a piece of paper when I read it I felt like I wanted to cry they were adoption papers
Rita: we don't love you anymore we are giving you up for adoption
Lynn senior: we can't stand to look at your face suddenly everything started to fade to black and then chain came around my foot and pull me in the darkness
(End of dream)
I woke up and look around and realize where I was I curled up in a ball I felt a hand on my shoulder I turn around and saw Bruce with a concern look on his face. He said what's wrong I wipe the tears and said nothing. He said then why were you crying. I broke down and cried once I finish crying I explain he was shocked your family kicked out because they thought you were bad luck what kind of family is that. I stayed quiet he said don't worry you can stay with me.
Time skip

Lincoln POV
It has been seven years since I've been training with Bruce I've gone through a a lot of changes I grew taller about 5'8 and I learn how to fight and engineering. I've gotten a lot smarter over the years today I was going to go on my first mission
Time skip
Their was going to be a assassination at a concert all I knew is that I had to kill this assassin before he killed anybody. I jump off the roof I saw the place . I sneak in and stayed behind the curtains in case anything happen I heared a shot being fired and I run out from the curtains I saw a man holding a handgun and he pointed It mic swagger. I saw a girl climb on stage and slap the man I'm his head. I saw him turn around and slap the woman he saw the cops coming he grab the woman and put the gun to her template I said calm down we don't want anyone to die the man laughed and said oh bullseye your so dumb always caring for the innocent. I said I protect them so scum like you don't harm them. He said tsk tsk tsk when will you learn The world doesn't needs heroes like you. I pulled my gun from the holster before he could even pull the trigger I shot him on the leg he screamed and ran to attack me. I punch him in the chest and he fell back and grab my mask I kicked him in the jewels he his front and while he was down I kick him I heared someone say Lincoln and I turn around and look at the woman face and I finally realize who it was luna....

Thanks for the reads and votes even thought it isn't much it can grow special shout out and thanks to omega crow for helping me with the book overall he helped me plan the book so thanks and your awesome bro and thank to all you readers for the veiws and I'll try to update as soon as possible later guys

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