Chapter 5 - Don't Touch Her

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Natsu's POV

"Urgh, I drank too much" I groaned as I stood up, holding my aching head. I walked over to the bar, stepping over all the unconscious drunk guildmates. I grabbed one of the glasses of water on the bar counter that Mira leaves for us after a massive party. After I chugged the water, I wondered where my pregnant fiancé, Lucy, was. I didn't see her beside me when I woke up. Looking around, I couldn't find her anywhere inside the guild.

I caught her scent and followed it outside but I still couldn't find her. A bad feeling was rising in my chest and my protective instincts kicked in. I shifted into my wolf form and ran towards her scent. I followed her scent all the way into the forest until I spotted her a few metres in front of me, laying on the floor. I was relieved that she was alright until two strange men with smug expressions on their faces walked up to her.

One of the men had spiky sliver hair and he was wearing a moss green t-shirt tucked into his brown cargo pants, a dark brown leather jacket and a pair of black boots. The other man had short slick back ocean blue hair and was wearing a black turtleneck tucked into his dark green cargo pants, a long-length brown overcoat with light brown trimmings and a pair of brown boots. I noticed the blue haired man had a gun holster so I presumed that he might use the same magic as Alzack and Bisca.

I heard them chuckle, "we've caught a nice one here, haven't we?" the silver haired man said to the blue haired man as he crouched down in front of Lucy. I noticed Lucy having trouble staying awake which reminded me of Mystogan's Sleep Magic. "Lets take her back to Headquarters" the blue haired man said, "alright" the silver haired man replied. At that point, I couldn't watch this anymore. "Don't touch her!" I shouted as I jumped between Lucy and the two men. I growled towards the men saying "I won't let you take Lucy!" even though they couldn't understand.

"Looks like we found the mate and he's pink" the silver haired man snickered. Why does everyone make fun of my salmon fur?! It's salmon not pink! "He might fetch for a few thousand jewels if we take him back to Headquarters but the Boss said he only wants the pregnant female werewolf" the blue haired man said. I was getting mad, they wanted my Lucy while she's pregnant with my kids. "Stay away from her! Fire Dragon Roar!" I chanted which they quickly side jumped either side to dodge my flames. "So he's a fire elemental werewolf?" the silvered haired man said interested, as I let my flames surround my body.

I used my magic to create a flaming protective circle around Lucy. "Sora, you distract him while I shoot him with my Sleep Magic" the blue haired man said as he took out a Magic Pump-Action Shot Gun. "On it Riku" Sora replied and charged at me. I was ready for his attack when suddenly ice spiked from the ground and knocked Sora back.

I looked to my right towards the owner of the magic and saw Gray and Erza in their wolf forms. "How did you find us?" I asked, "we followed your foul scent all the way here" Gray said. "Why you!" I exclaimed, angry about the 'foul scent' comment. "Boys, this is no time for fighting" Erza said as I quickly dodged a magic shot. "Sora we're leaving" Riku said as he put his gun away, "what but why Riku?" Sora complained. "We can't take on the whole pack with limited supply. This was supposed to be a silent retrieval mission" Riku explained, "fine" Sora sighed. Both of them turned around and ran deeper into the forest.

"Should we go after them?" Gray asked. "No, Lucy needs our help more and it would be foolish to chase after them alone" Erza said. Since everything had calmed down, I turned around to check on Lucy. My protective circle extinguished as I step a paw inside the circle. I nuzzled Lucy's head, to see if I could wake her up but it didn't work. "What happened to Lucy?" Erza asked. "I think they shot her with sleep magic from a Magic Shot Gun" I explained with my eyes still focused on Lucy.

"Depending on the level of Sleep Magic they used it might take an hour to a day before she wakes up. Lets take her back to the guild" Erza said. I was relieved that Lucy was ok and it was only Sleep Magic they used on her. I carefully crawled under Lucy so that she's laying safely on my back and we walked back to the guild.

As we entered the guild, everyone at the guild was still passed out. We silently went around them and walked into the infirmary. Erza and Gray turned into their human forms then they carefully picked Lucy up off my back and placed her on the infirmary bed. I quickly jumped onto the bed and laid down behind her in my usual spot. I rested my head on her neck comfortably.

"So, spill it Natsu. Who were those guys?" Gray asked. I told them what happened when I found Lucy and what information I was able to hear from them. "So, let me get this straight. Sora and Riku were targeting Lucy and said something about their boss wanting her?" Gray asked to make sure. "Yep and I won't let them touch her" I replied. "We know how possessive you are" Gray commented.

"We'll see if Master knows anything about them in the morning but for now we will just have to wait until Lucy wakes up" Erza said and left the room. Gray walked over to the couch on the other side of the room and laid down. He closed his eyes and his breathing slowed down which meant he was asleep. At least he could go to sleep, I was too worried to go back to sleep as questions circled in my head. 'Who were they?' 'What did they want with Lucy?'. One thing I was certain about is that I won't let them touch my Lucy.

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