no one compares to you

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based off of nocty!

his heart was in the right place. it was hard to believe, but it was true.

jack had broken things off with you a couple of months ago, due to a rise in popularity. he knew that the bigger him and jack got, the more hate you would get. he just wanted you to be able to live a normal life, because you didn't sign up for this.

but you didn't care. you would go to hell and back for him. he was the love of your life, no one could compare to him.

and despite jack being the one who broke it off, he felt the same way about you. he tried so hard to get you off his mind. he would do anything he could to get the guilt off his mind. it never worked.

no matter how many girls he woke up to, they weren't you. they never would be. they never could be.

you were always on his mind. he looked for you everywhere. in every crowd, and in every city. but you were never there.

you were in your studio apartment, listening to the boys' new music, wishing you could be in his arms.

or you were with your friends, trying to forget about the boy you would give your life for.

no one could make him feel the way you did. thats all there was to it. you were one in a million.

no one would ever compare to you.

imagine; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now