lotta love

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jack was a firm believer in the saying, "if you love them, let them go."

that was, until you said you were leaving him.

he never imagined that you would leave him. you were perfectly fine just yesterday, why would you leave him?

he wondered if it was something he did, but it wasn't. he was the most incredible boyfriend in the world. he would go to hell and back for anyone, and you admired that.

but you were at a point in life where you needed to be free. you felt restricted by school, your friends, your family, and essentially everything around you.

you kept a map above your bed, and always told jack that the two of you would travel the world together. key word being together.

jack knew arguing wouldn't help. he could beg all he wanted, but he knew you were stubborn. you had your sights set on something, and you were going to accomplish it.

all he could do was hold you tight one last time, telling you how much he loved you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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