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Sorry for updating so much, I just know that when I find a story I love having a few chapters to read to get a feel for it ♥︎


"So, let me get this straight," Hoseok said rubbing his face, "You had sex with this kid? Knew he was already having troubles about being gay, you're still a closeted gay not planning to come out anytime soon, found out he gets abused by his father, and came to the realization that you want to take care of him, maybe become more than just strangers?"

"That's... exactly it," Namjoon mutters feeling like a fool hearing it all repeated back to him.

"Does he know how you feel?" Taehyung asks, taking a drink from his coffee.

"No, he just told me he'd see me around," Namjoon sighs.

"Maybe you should be straight up with him? You have everything in place, you tutor him still right? Yeri leaves for the states soon so, I highly doubt that will last, his parents aren't suspicious of you one bit, what's the problem?"  Jin lays it out as it is, he was the oldest of the group so he felt obligated to always have them thinking straight, "Worst-case scenario is he turns you down"

"That's what I'm scared of! I haven't genuinely cared about someone for so long, you guys, I've forgotten what it's like" Namjoon grips his hair in frustration, "the most I know about him is he's spunky, gay, and has shit parents!"

"You're overthinking this, Nam," Taehyung sighs, "who is this kid anyway?"

"Can't say, he might be one of your students, Tae"

Taehyung's eyes widen, "is it Jungkook?" He asks a bit nervous. His friends still had no idea what kind of relationship the brunette was involved in.

"Jung what? No," Namjoon says confused, "who's Jungkook?" Before Tae could explain his panic the coffee shop's bell rings, Namjoon looks over at the door seeing a familiar blonde in a very familiar down brown hoodie, walking in with a taller boy with brown hair. Wasn't Jimin supposed to be in school? Granted his friend Taehyung was supposed to be teaching but he called in 'sick' to help his dear friend in need. They were even a whole town over to avoid running into anybody they knew, what was Jimin doing over here?

"What are you looking at?" Taehyung asks glancing back to Jungkook and Jimin, "oh shit! Those are my students, the brunette is Jungkook and the blonde is Jimin," Tae immediately tries to hide along with Namjoon.

"I know who it is," Jin says in a sing song voice.

"Really Namjoon, the Parks kid?" Hoseok chuckles.

Namjoon watched as Jimin walked up to the counter with the kid named Jungkook, he couldn't help but notice how friendly Jimin was with the man behind the counter, his hair was dyed a light blue, his ears pierced, four small silver hoops two on either side, he wasn't tall but he was cute, he gave Jimin a gummy smile and was carrying on a conversation with him making him smile and laugh. Namjoon couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school, Jiminie?" The blue-haired boy asks.

"Yes, but Kook and I decided to ditch today, it was his idea because his favorite teacher wasn't gonna be there" Jimin smiles nudging his friend.

"Shut up, Jimin," looks over at the blonde getting ready to give him a what for, when he spots two familiar faces; Taehyung and Namjoon.

"Hey, what are you-"

"Nothing, was just making sure you didn't grow, I can still see over you" Jungkook laughs, exposing his bunny teeth.

"You better shut your rabbit lookin' ass up" Jimin pouts.

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