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Victoria's P.O.V.

I was walking around the forest towards home. It was getting dark by I knew the way home pretty well so I didn't worry, it was starting to get cold though and it was summer to so that was the only odd thing that came to mind. But little did I know is that I was being watched. I walked past the clans and dropped off fresh prey for the pups un-noticed as usual. I walk past the lagoon into the waterfall and into my home as I was greeted by my pet, lily a shadow dragon..."master master your back!" She said she flew up to me barely and looked at me with hope and joy in her eyes " did you bring anything for me?! I'm starving!" Her stomach suddenly grumbled and she blushed in embarrassment and a chuckle very softly as I reach in a bag and take out shadow treats and give them to her. Soon after I fall asleep on the couch without dinner like usual.

— Next Day—

I wake up and look at the time. " crap! Not again!!" I get and quickly get dressed and rush to town toward work. I run into someone and fall on my back yelping. " ack! Jeez I'm sorry!" They looked at me. They had a good on and they help me up and start walking away. " w-wait!- what's your name?" It's silent and they stop. " Cassidy.... "

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