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"Turn around child, so I can see you better."

I stiffened with unease.

What Mandrake wouldn't give to be in my position right now..
I thought to myself.

Hesitantly, I shifted myself just enough so I could see the Queen from over my shoulder.

She had backed up a few paces, giving me space.

"There you are..." she said calmly, the trace of a smile on her face.

I kept glancing at the numerous vines that had begun to occupy the room.
They shifted every so often, as if they were living, breathing things.

The Queen noticed my unease and let out a small laugh.
"Don't take it so personal, dear! Just being precautious is all."

Her reassurance didn't help much, but I did manage to find the mentality to turn and face her all the way.

"Now.." she began.

"I'm sure you have as many questions as I do, but allow me to ask the first..."

She smiled warmly.

"My dear in the world did you manage to find love for the forest in such a dreadful place as Wrathwood..?"

There it was again.

How did she know?

The thought of asking her outright suddenly crossed my mind, but I shot it down just as quick.

Should I even speak to her..?

My eyes darted about uneasily, refusing to look the Queen in the eyes.

She stood a few paces away, quietly waiting for me to answer.

When my mouth remained shut, she sighed and her eyes lowered from my face.

"I don't blame you for not answering..."

"But if you don't answer my questions, then I'm afraid I won't answer yours, dear."

She turned to me once more.

"How about we start with a simpler question?"

She smiled, as she slowly nodded.

"What's your name, child?"

My name..?

When I was captured, I was expecting to be beaten and interrogated by Leafmen soldiers.
Threatened until I spilled out all of the Boggan's secrets to them.

But not in a million years did I think I'd be chatting with the Queen.

She stood expectantly, waiting for my answer.

Realizing I wasn't going to get anywhere by not talking to her, I decided to speak.

"Blight." I croaked out, trying not to give a second thought.
My voice sounded thin and hoarse from not drinking water or speaking for the past day or so.

The Queen, to my surprise, did a small curtsey in my direction.

"Tara. Although you've probably figured that by now, huh?" She said jokingly.

It comfortable and friendly she seemed.
She acted as if I was one of her own soldiers.

"You want something to drink, honey..? Your voice sounds like you tried swallowing a barb."

I nodded, suddenly realizing how dry my mouth felt.

Slowly, the Queen lifted her hand upwards, gesturing with an outstretched palm towards the ceiling of the room.
A single vine began to descend, with a closed yellow bulb growing at its end.

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