The wolf

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"Run Charlie!! You don't have enough time, trying is your last chance of surviving" Charlie's mum yelled at him while crying, he knew she couldn't stay with him, he knew she had to run with the pack of 23 but anyway he was angry maybe that's because he was too scared to think about anything, so, in a moment of anger he  shouted at her "you are a fucking traitor, you leave your own child to die, Fuck you". A drop of sweat ran through his face. He had to focus in scaping from that mortal trap, he tried moving his feet but the only thing he got was more pain because of the sharp knives that had him trapped. Every Wolf of the place was gone, he was the only one that remained there. When he was a Child, he always heard that if someone got trapped the only possible destinies were or being a trophy in some kind of wall or starving in a zoo, neither of them sounded great to him so he still tried, he pulled and pulled but nothing was happening. It was almost night and he hadn't come to a solution, he was giving up when something very bad happened, a Human Being was near. Charlie knew it was his end, there was no way to escape from that bear trap, he saw a human with a gun, it was a woman in a little red riding hood and she was pointing at him, he tried to talk to her but she wasn't listening, a loud sound go through the forest and the last thing he could even think was about his mum and the last words he said to her, Fuck you.
He waked up in a dark place, it was cold but it felt normal to him, he was still kind of stunned but he could swear it was the forest, everything felt so normal except one thing, his teeth were gone, it felt so strange to him, he putted his tongue between his gums and it was softy, then he began to walk and another part of his body was missing, his nail. He began to think and realized he was unable to hunt or eat in this condition, the first day was easy, he was tired so he slept all day, he woke up the second day and he saw this woman in a red riding hood, he was ready to run but he prefered to hide and watched, she was talking alone, she was saying "oh I am a little girl and I will see my grandmother in the woods" Charlie started thinking that she was crazy or something. She was at least 50 years old, he followed her to her grandmother house and he saw how she realized his grandmother wasn't in the house (that was clearly abandoned), the woman started crying and went back to town, the wolf realized it was a routine, every day she did that and every day she went back crying with her basket full of food. Charlie was already starving, he had been 5 days without eating anything because of his condition his stomach was sounding and he could feel like if it was eating itself, so he decided to ask the woman for some food next day, the day arrived and he interrupted the woman saying "hi Woman, can I take some of the food you are bringing, you took my teeth and nail so I haven't been able to eat this last days" the woman laughed and said "I hate animals so bad that when I see one of them I always make them die in a slowly way, like starving, and you think I will help you, aha" she smiled, took a gun from his pocket and shot him in the foot, then she continued her trip, when she arrived she returned crying as always, Charlie thought that maybe she was cruel at animals because she was sad about grandma, so he decided to make her happy and he dressed up like an old woman with a lot of difficulty because of his, now, broken leg, and lied in a bed of the abandoned house so the woman was happy again. When she arrived and knocked the door Charlie answered, she went in with a smile in her face and when she saw him dressed up she began to cry of emotion, immediately she stabbed the wolf thinking he was her grandma and said "you thought I came here to give you food bastard, I just wanted you death because it is too far away from home and they make me came here every day, now you are going to die and I won't have to come here, the only good thing about coming here every day is that I have killed 23 wolves in slowly ways, and the last one is already in his way to die of hungry, I will tell everybody a very heroic story and I will be able to stay at my house forever" while she was talking the only thing  our friend Charlie could think while he was dying was in his family... of 23 wolves.

The wolf will always be bad if we only hear a girl in a little red riding hood

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