It all starts

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Lithop sat in my backpack every now and then telling me which way I should go. My phone had died long ago so I couldn't inform my friends I was alright and safe and sound. I'm not sure what to do now it's only been two days since I had ran with Lithop into the forest. I still haven't seen civilization in awhile not like I really wanted to talk with anyone but ill eventually need more food and clean drinking water. I also tripped a while back and have a scrape on my knee and Lithop was worried it might get infected but I don't think it's that serious. The green trees were very pretty I'm sure Lithop thought so too but Lithop didn't talk much since we had decided to sleep by the lake. I hope I hadn't upset her.



I held my head in my arms trying to block out Maria's laughter. It's annoying and she already make me feel insecure with her perfect face and pretty hair. I can't help but feel like she's so much better than I am. I wish I could fall asleep so I could go to the garden and get away from Maria and Dark Mary.
I haven't face to face talked to anyone in several months only the white woman and she didn't really say anything, I can't read lips so I'm not sure what she was trying to tell me. I'm not sure if I should talk to her or stay away from her. But her aura is so calming and peaceful like the garden itself.
I look up from my knees looking around noticing that I was in my Garden and I could see the white woman in the distance. She was waving at me before running out of my view. Maybe she wanted me to follow her, I didn't feel scared so I stood and speed walked in the direction she ran off to.


Paul stared at Care as the sobbed into her palms and he couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He doesn't really understand why she is sad, Is she scared? Of him maybe? Or of this...Place?
He slowly touches her back with his foot seeing as he has no arms. Care doesn't uncover her face but stops crying "You can leave. Why have you stayed here? Just go, Paul" Care continues to sob and Paul slightly narrowed his eyes. Care must want to leave! Who would want to stay here? He poked her again and she sighed removing her hands from her face and staring at Red tool. "I can't go with you Paul" she said her hand brushing over the white Daisy poking out from the top of her head "no one will accept me there Paul".
Paul pokes her again and she finally but sadly smiled.
'Care NLM has evolved to Care B'
Care wiped her eyes again remembering her lack of eyebrows and feeling tears well in her eye again.
"Fine, since your so stubborn"

(Since he hasn't updated in a bit, im gonna improvise and make up something )

I quickly dove behind the tipped over table Nat (I'm not sure if Nat is a Girl or a Boy but I'm gonna make them a female because when I first saw Their name I thought 'OMG Natalie! Is that you!!') following In suit while Tucker slightly stumble but the Drone didn't direct its attention to us Tucker grabbed the Shotgun from his side almost silently loading the shells into it and aim for the white light that was almost directly facing him and he fired. The Drone turned red for a second before loosing color and falling to the mall floor.
quickly me and Tucker push the Drones metal body from the store closing the darkened glass doors and pushing anything heavy we could find against the door.
Nat held up her pistol and began to quietly navigate the food store, I assume it is an old Walmart or something. Me and Tucker are quick to catch up hearing more flicking from outside the now heavily barricaded door. We ended up near the garden section of the store and the three of us look around for any Drones before barricading it too.
Me and Nat grabbed blanket and pillows and set the up as beds. Nat grabbed a book from her backpack and turns on her flashlight to read.
I stare down at my phone which is open on twitter. More people were asking about what happened. Have they lost it? Or have I? Many claim they see the sun but I haven't in weeks.
It's scary that it's gone, without the sun we will surly die, wether by those things or the lack of oxygen once the plants die. I glance at Nat who sends a small smile my way and then I look over to Tucker seeing him lighting a cigarette. At least I won't be dying out here alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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