4 ~ development

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Blood orange. Crimson red. Hot pink. Fluorescent yellow. The blinding colours of the fireworks shot up in the air, lighting the dark starry nights of Konoha ablaze. The rhythmic beat of taiko drums and melodious trill of the flute filled the streets of the main town square. Vendors of all sorts of delights vocally advertised their treats and paper lanterns brightly lit the market. The clack of traditional wooden sandals against the pavement drowned in the music. Women donned adorned kimonos and men sported yukatas, saved for the best of occasions. It was the night of the Cherry Blossom Festival, an important celebration of spring that annually took place in Konoha.

Shisui let out a melancholic sigh. He had somehow gotten stuck with being out on patrol for the Police Force, again. When Fugaku came to him, saying that he was short on surveillance numbers for the festival, he internally screamed. A wise saying from the Nara clan came to mind at that moment: 'what a drag.' Shisui had been glued to the same spot for the past two hours on the sides of the street, keeping an eye out for any fights that broke out. In all honesty, he wanted nothing more than to go home, take a hot bath and rest.

Shisui guessed that it was about 9pm. He had already broken up five drunken fights in the past hour. Unfortunately the culprits were not so well behaved and Shisui wanted nothing more than to beat their asses to a pulp when they cursed profanities at him over and over again for intervening. Another melancholic sigh escaped past his lips. The loud music was starting to irritate him. His mind drifted away, trying to drown out the sounds.

He wondered how Itachi's mission was going. The Uchiha was meant to be away for three days and Shisui wondered how on earth he was going to keep himself occupied. Three days felt like an eternity. He needed his daily dose of teasing Itachi. Realistically, he didn't have that many friends. Acquaintances and colleagues sure- but he didn't have as strong of a bond with anyone else except for Itachi. Knowing him, he would come out of battle unscathed but Shisui still felt a sense of worry deep in the pits of his stomach. A sense of foreboding. He shook his head in a futile attempt to drive off his negative thoughts.

He snapped out of his daze when all of a sudden, he noticed a young woman looking uncomfortable as a drunk man struck up an unwanted conversation with her. The man slowly inched closer and closer to her, a lecherous grin on his face. The woman stepped backwards, looking more and more distressed by the second. He grabbed her by the waist, attempting to kiss her while she struggled and resisted against him. The man furrowed his brow in anger and raised his hand against her when-

'Now now, sir. That's no way to treat a lady.' Shisui had teleported between them and grabbed the man's forearm just in time, preventing him from striking the woman.

'Wha- Where did you come from?' The man huffily demanded. The woman let out a sigh of relief.

'Never mind that. Do you know this young lady?'

'No but-'

'Then please refrain from inappropriately touching her.'

'Wha- Who the hell do you think you are, you bastard!?' The drunken man sputtered indignantly.

'Sir, walk away before this gets ugly.'

'You wanna go, you punk?' He uttered through gritted teeth. Shisui smirked at him, contemplating. He sized his opponent up. Alright, at least he'd be getting some action tonight, even if it wasn't in the sense he desired.

'Bring it old man.'

The man blindly charged at Shisui and the latter tutted in disapproval. Perhaps the man's disorientation was also due to his intoxication, but either way, it was clear that he had absolutely no experience as a shinobi. Shisui dodged his blind punches with ease. Even Sasuke fought better than this and he was twelve, for crying out loud.

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