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Mark's Pov

"Mark, there is nothing we can do. No one wants to help." Tyler said.

"I am getting a bunch of no's over here too." I rubbed my head. "I have pulled so many favors for these assholes almost breaking my back for some and now they don't want to help me when I need it."

"What are you going to do?" Ethan asked.

"The only thing I can do, I need you guys to get out of the state for the next few days. I am headed back to Amy to take pictures of what that Barbarian did to her, and how he has her."

"Mark." Ethan cut me off,

"I need too. You have a few hours to get your things and get away. Your names will never leave my lips."

I grabbed my keys and my wallet then headed up to the office. I got all the notes he has sent me and her blanket, just in case she is free. I can sneak attack him.

"Get out," I said to Ethan and Tyler.

"You really are going to do this?" Tyler said.

"I see no other choice."

I left before they could stop me, I drove back to Amy sneaking up the tree with the blanket. He just left the attic.

"Princess, are you okay?" I asked walking over to her.

"You need to leave!" She was crying.

"I will, I just need to take some pictures."

Her left side of her face was swollen, and with bruises everywhere.

"He will pay, Amy. I promise you that." I held back the tears as I took pictures of her and the bomb.

"Why do you need pictures?"

"I need proof, so they will come get you, they will know about the bomb."

"Who is coming?"

"The police."

"No, don't do it."

"I need to, no one else is helping, wait, how are you going to the bathroom?"

She looked away.

"He will pay baby; the police station is 30 minutes away. I will go and turn myself in, the only way they are getting information is when your free."

"There has to be another way?"

"The only other way I see is setting the bomb off by hitting the wrong wire on accident."

"I am so sorry. I should have never came to your place. You would be free."

"I would be dead, if you never came to me I would have never fought to stay alive."

"Before you go, can you do that Spider-Man thing again?"

"Anything for you princess."

I did the same thing with the blanket wrapping it around the support beam, I straddled my legs around the beam hanging upside down. I kissed her lips. She is so scared.

"Everything is going to be okay, you will be free soon," I said.

"I love you. Thank you for helping me love Myself." She said as my feet touched the ground.

"I love you too, thank you for saving my life, I need to leave now. The faster I get there the faster you will be safe."

I left out of the window and sped to the police station. Before I got out of the car I put my hat and glasses on. If they all jump on me as soon as I walk in, they will not listen to me about her.

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