Chapter 3 - New Quest

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Lucy's POV

As I leave the guild, choose to take the train to Clover. Don't know what I'll be doin there but I'm goin. By the time I finish my thought, I make it to the train station, I wait till the next train to Clover which is in 30 minutes, damn.

------30 minutes later------

I get on the train, I sit down, I start thinking about what I'll do. I think every town I visit, I'll learn a new fighting move and stay till I master it? yea I like that. I just start thinking about random things and before I knew it, I was in Clover. I leave the train and start making my way towards a motel.

Once I make it there, I sign into a room and settle down there. I decide that I'm gonna spend the rest of the day here, then tomorrow I'll go explore the town and maybe start working on learning a new move.

For the rest of the day, a just relax, take a nice long bath and just chill.

------The Next Day------

I wake up bright and early, like before the sun is up. I get up and take a quick shower, do my hair, get dressed and by the time I'm done, It's about 6:50-ish, which means I'mma start exploring the town. I leave the motel and make my way through the town, looking at all the buildings and what they are. It's now about 7:30-ish and my stomach growls making me realize that I haven't ate anything. I make my around trying to find somewhere to eat. I stupidly wasn't paying attention and run into someone making us both fall. "I'm so so so sorry!!" I apologize and stand up and offer to help him up. "jeez, watch where your going" he says, taking my hand. Once he stands up I take a good look at him and he has ash blond hair, a cropped shirt, some fluffy jacket thing and really baggy pants. I also notice he a guild mark. "Hey, are you in a guild??" I ask. "Yea, Sabertooth and proud of it!" He says very proudly. "hey, you look familiar" He says tilting his head like a dog. "u-um..." I stutter. "ooh aren't you Lucy from Fairytail?" He asks with disgust in his voice and on his face. "I'm not anymore" I say. "ooh, what hap-" he was saying until my stomach rudely interrupts by growling. "haha you need food, we should talk over breakfast" he says while laughing. "sure but at least tell me your name first" I say back. "oh sorry, It's Sting".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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Stronger than you know Lucy X Sting By: xxshinigstarWhere stories live. Discover now