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My names Anna Lisse. I'm 14 and I live in Northern Kentucky. It's not all horse farms like everyone says ;)

I hope you enjoy <3

C H A P T E R 1

    Late. Late, late, late. That one word was the only thing rushing through Anna's head on Monday, March 21st, 2019. She tied the laces to her black converse and grabbed her black bag. Her bus would come any minute and she couldn't miss it. She grabbed her house key and patted her dog Percy's head. As she headed out the door, her bus drove down the street and turned the corner."How do I get to school now?"Her science test popped into her head. Anna couldn't miss it. It was 70% of her grade. It was nearing the end of he year and Anna needed to get a good grade on this test because if she didn't, she wouldnt be able to recover. "If I fail this test then I won't get into my dream school" She whispered the horrible revelation to herself. An idea came to her mind but she didn't want it. It was about 3 miles to her school and she had 5 minutes to get there. Luckily, her test wasn't until her 6th period, which meant she had time. Anna could call her dad to come back and pick her up. She looked down at her phone and slid it back into her hoodie pocket.Her feet sprang as she walked down her street and through her neighborhood. She put in her earbuds and went with the beat. Thoughts filled her head as she walked alongside the road. Thoughts of how she drifted away after her parents divorced. Thoughts of how her friends would talk about her behind her back; how they would gossip about how she looked and acted and the things she liked and didn't like. She thought of the look on her mom's face when she came home crying and sporting a skinned knee. She tried not to think about how she still felt alone and useless after all those years. She thought of her parents thinking they were doing things for her when really they did it for themselves and now, because of it, she was drowning. Drowning in loneliness. Drowning in worry. Drowning in emotions she couldn't explain. So many things seemed to pull her this way and that like the current of the ocean. They all wanted to drag her under. Anna just wanted to swim. Her pace slowed and her eyes closed as the music faded while she fought back tears that had seemed become unburied. I'm too different, she thought. Do I even belong here? I wish I was in another time, she felt the rush of warm air and a tingle that left her skin feeling numb.

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