Chapter 2

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The next day the same thing happened Gustav was still gone and i smelled something sweet. The door noise machine made its normal ding and i saw dr. Montgomery say hello to someone and hand whoever was at the door a slice of cake.
The person at the door was 3 tall animals that were like dr. Monty and another snake looking thing. I got to know them and realized that 2 of the things were the little snakes owner. The started calling the snake "sunny" so sunny became my friend.
That night I could hear sunny's owners, my owner and sunny all making lots of noise upstairs. I wondered why sunny was sleeping upstairs in her own room rather then in the reptile room with me.

The next morning i got to play with sunny while the other owners my owner called "children" worked on the floor in the room. One had glass looking things on his face and opened and closed things with paper filled inside with writing on them. The other was a girl and she put her hair up all the time and made the most noise she was working open big things made of metal.

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