Cheater! pt2

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Jahseh's p.o.v
After Y/N left I put on some clothes and ran after her car. I felt bad and I don't know why I did it. It just happened somehow.

After a few minutes of running after her car I stopped to catch my breath all of a sudden I look up to see Y/N's car flipped over and damaged. I ran over to Y/N's car to see if she is still breathing.

When arrived at her car, I saw her bruised very bad with blood coming from her arms,cheeks,and a lil bit come from her chest.

I got Y/N out of the car as I look at her legs which were scratched up.

I held her in my arms analyzing her whole body. As I looked at how bad she was bruised my eyes became watery as I just bust out crying as people stood around me and some people called the ambulance.

|At the hospital|

I waited in waiting room for the doctor to come back with results about Y/N's bruises.

After waiting for some time the doctor finally showed up.


Jah:right here

Doc:what is ur relation to Y/N

Nigga really I'm the only one here why would u ask that like her family is just going to appear

Jah:I'm her husband

Doc:ok well her left arm is badly injured so she will need to wear a cast until we tell u its time to take it off

Ok nigga damn hurry up,u takin 4ever

Doc:she is ok and she is lucky to survive and I'm surprised she's not in a coma but anyways we cleaned up her bruises and she's sleep now so...

Jah:what's her room number

Doc:room 102 go straight down the hall and turn right

Jah:ok thanks

I went to find her room. The doctor took 4ever to tell me everything.

I finally found her room and went in.

Y/N's p.o.v
I woke up to bright lights in my face which were hurting my eyes. When my eyes adjusted I scanned the room to see Jah sleep in the chair. I looked to my left to see a cast on my arm so now I know my arm is broken. I look up a lil bit to see water and some food so I ate it since I was really hungry.

Minutes past and Jah have woken from his nap. Right now he's apologizing to me for wat he did and he's begging me to not leave. I never said I was going leave..well at least I think I didn't. I love him too much to leave him.

Y/N:Jah calm down I'm not going to leave so stop crying baby please

Jah:I'm so sorry Y/N I don't know wat came ova me

Jah: I promise it will never happen again mamas

Y/N: its ok Jah I forgive u ok baby
and wipe ur face

Jah:can I get a kiss

Y/N:not until u clean ur mouth u probably was eatin that girl out

Jah:I promise I wasn't

Y/N:ok come here

I grabbed a wipe from my purse on the nightstand.

When was about to kiss me I wiped his mouth wit the wipe.

Jah:eww that shit taste like soap mamas y u do dat

Y/N:to make sure ur lips r clean before u kiss me

Jah:can I get a real kiss mamas please

Y/N:of course babe *pecks Jah on the lips*

Jah:I love soo much mamas

Y/N:I love u too daddy

Heyy y'all I hope u enjoyed this chapter. I gonna make a pt3 of this chapter cause I have an idea. if u want a pt3 also comment if y'all don't then I won't do it. If y'all have request then comment them too.
Bye luv y'all❤

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