Chapter 5 Ally and Sonic!

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The ballroom of the castle

King and Queen: Where are the prince and princess?

Oreo: having a private talk

King and Queen: oh. Very well then.

Emi: when will i get to open my presents and eat cake?

Zero: soon. Lets have some punch. You two need it after screaming like madmen.

Ally and Sonic: *burst through the ballroom doors* WERE HERE!

Ally: Where are the prince and the princess?

Sonic: Babe. I need something to eat. One long airplane ride can make a hedgie hungry.

Ally: K.

Oreo: Nix and Shadow are having a private talk.

Sonic: Queen. Why does Oreo and Zero say Shadow and Nix instead of Prince and Princess?

Queen: They are now the un-married duke and duchess of Xycato.

Ally: Any way, this place is beautiful. It would be more beautiful and outstanding if it was blue.

Queen: its Emi's favorite color.

Oreo: do you want me to go get them?

King: Yes.

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