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In three words, I can dictate where we

In two words, I can define the mighty power,

In one word, I can set everything to fire,
whether it is passion of hate or love,
I do not know.

I can tell you a story in five words:
She wanted to forget everything.

I can tell you my life's question:
Does addiction ever go away?

Words were formed out of random chaos, just so happened that we have 26 letters set in their way with rules made by humans. Yet how can something so simple create something so complex?

Surely, it goes against the laws of science: evolution: ____.

It's because their creator is not random chaos, it is a complex being with feelings. And feelings are more important than any words I could write. Feelings give being to the random chaos.

We learn in language class that tone is the most important thing. Even in the non speaking language, ASL, the expression is still critical.

In one word I can challenge a mind,

Whether I said that ironically or hopefully, you decided

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