Chapter One: Present

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Picture at the top is Alia

My life was great, well...for the most of it anyway. Everythjng was great until June 6th and I guess my birthday -which by the way is May 2nd- those are the two days in the entire year that I hate but love the most at the same time. Wait, but how can you hate and love these two days if they ruined everything? Well, it was time. Time is what it took me to realize that not only did I hate those two days for what it did to my family but I also loved those two days for making me the young lady I am today.

"Alia! Hello, I've been trying to get your attention for the past eight minutes." Baylor says with a huff.
"Huh...oh, sorry I was lost in thought." I said hoping they wouldn't qeustion me.
"Yea I know we could tell" Maya says chuckling.
"You gonna tell us what got you so caught up in your thoughts?" asked Baylor
"Nah, don't worry 'bout it"
"If you say so."

Maya proceeds to talk about school, well if I'm being more accurate she's complaining. I get it though, who wants to go to school anyway? Right....well I do, but not to learn, just to keep it as a distraction I guess. While her and Baylor complained about school, I got everything ready to go to the dance studio, the gym, and to go shopping later. While doing all of this, I got lost in my thoughts about the past year and how chaotic it had been.

"Hello Alia....Earth to Alia!!" Yells Maya.
"Oh shit, my bad. Hold up, what the fuck are the two of you talking about that always ends up with me being confused on why I need to be in the conversation anyway?"
"Actually, we're not going to answer that. Well, not until you tell us why you've been zoning out and lost in your thoughts so much."
"Actually we don't need to do any of that." I say a bit hastily.
"Hey." Maya says with her hand in my shoulder "You know we're here for you no matter what right??"
"Yeah I know, I just...." I trailed off
"You miss him don't you?" Baylir says softly.
"Yeah..." I say biting my lip so I don't cry.

Instead of saying the typical 'it'll be okay' or 'he's in a better place now' type of thing, they just engulfed me in a hug. I hugged them making sure that I wouldn't break down in front of them again.

"Okay, let's get going. I got things to do and places to go." I say hoping that they get the hint that I might break down if they pressed any further.
"Okay," Baylor says "Hey wait a minute."
"What?! Why do we have to wait a minute? We're gonna be late!" I exclaim in extreme frustration
"I don't mean actually wait a minute dumbass. I mean 'wait a minute' as in 'I just realized something'. Baylor says annoyed whole giving me a scowl.
"Shit, my bad. I guess my mind is still stuck on the past couple of  years."
"Its okay, I was just trying to say that I just realized you work wayyyy too much."
"Oh, and by the way, I do not work way too I?" I ask unsure.
"Girl that's an understatment!" Exclaims  Maya. "You work way more than the normal human being works."
"Oh, well....I guess you guys can't blame me for wanting to do something other than bawling my eyes out and mopping about the past." I say softly with a hint of sadness.
"Well, guess what!" Maya exclaims.
"What??" Both Baylor and I ask in confusion.
"Your dad is probably the most proud person of you right now, he would be very excited and happy knowing that you are moving on and not holding back because of the past." Maya says softly knowing she probably just touched a sensitive spot.
"She's right, your dad probably would be the happiest man alive. Hehehe....get what I did there?" Baylor says laughing at her remark about Machel Montano's song Happiest Man Alive (H.M.A)
"Yeah, yeah thank you captain obvious as if I didn't already realise it." I say chuckling.
"So what do you say to getting our asses up and doing what we need to before we run late, after all, its only your first day at the dance studio and you absolutely cannot afford to be late." Maya says breaking apart the sentimental situation.
"Oh shit your right!" Exclaims Baylor who hasn't even gotten ready.

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