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I walk into my dance studios main entrance, dressed in my regular apparel, a pair of grey sweatpants with a plain t-shirt. Today I chose red, since it paired nicely with my black balenciaga sock sneakers. I hold a boba tea in my right hand and let my left hand dangle carelessly beside me. I greet the door man and Miranda, she is the desk lady who works for me, utterly talentless but nevertheless a very sweet and beautiful lady. I dreadfully shuffle up to the door where all the students I must audition sit with their eager eyes glued to the door, just upon entering I gain my composure and act confident and happy to be there. I greet them with dreadful 'hellos' and even more joyous 'goodbyes' as they slowly begin to be weeded out. Here he comes, my last audition for the day, I expect it to be another boy who will be assigned to the beginners class. Moments later a dark blue haired boy walks in, scruffy looking but great facial features. He'd clean up nice I'll bet, he wears a striped tee with a denim jacket thrown over it, blue jeans and sneakers with a bag thrown over his shoulder. He sat down an iced tea as he entered the room and sat down his bag next to it. I greeted him with my usual 'Hello! And welcome to the Michaelis Acrobatic and Dance Performing Arts Studio Auditions!' Instead of the normal awkward smile and wave I got, he smirked to himself and scoffed as he turned to face me with his eyes scanning me up and down. What an odd occurrence, he's different than any other student that I've auditioned...he has attitude, I like him. I nod my head letting him know that I see his indifference.

"Mr. Michaelis?"

I quirk an eyebrow at him, standing up, meeting his careless yet strong glare with a glare of my own.


I answer wondering what he could possibly have to ask, it's my audition he's at anyways, I should be asking the questions. I internally scoff at him.

"I'll be straight with you, I don't have any passion for dance nor acrobatics, I don't even want to be here but I am required to be here by my mother who hopes for nothing more than a son of hers to succeed in the arts. Since I cannot draw nor paint, I came here in hopes I could be trained. I needn't waste my time, nor yours, so no sugar coating it, if I lack the ability to be taught then put it plainly. If I desired to solve puzzles I'd look into becoming a detective."

I nearly jump back at the amount of sophistication this boy talks with, the authority in his voice even though he knows he's in no power here. He's oddly irritating, but I loved it for some reason, even if he has no talent I'm letting him in. He's unique and has a fire burning in his soul, I'll use that to help him excel. Finally a student I can work with!

"Very well. I guess we should continue, since it's clear you don't want to waste time."

I snap back. He just gives me a challenging glare with a small smirk splayed across his thin lips and determination set in his big blue eyes, one of the big blue orbs hidden by his hair. One things for sure...this is going to be an interesting season.

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story, I myself am a professional dancer and got this idea while dancing. I think this is going to be a lengthy story with lots of excitement, twists and turns so I hope you guys are ready for this! ~ Chloe 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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