Texts between colby and bobbie

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To colbs🐨❤️- what do you need Colby?
From Colbs🐨❤️- I'm sorry for what happens I honestly am. I didn't want to be with her and I ain't she's chatting shit, I wouldn't do that to you.
To colbs🐨❤️- but you did. It can't be a lie she can't just assume youse are together, it's not possible😟 Colby it hurt me. I actually really like you and to see someone you like with someone else kills.
From Colbs🐨❤️- Bobbie I ain't with her, she hasn't messaged me hasn't posted pics of us she's a shit stirring, she came on an exploration video and that was it.
To colbs🐨❤️- are you being honest?
From Colbs🐨❤️- I am, I like you back. Hell I'd do anything to be with you. So will you be mine.
To colbs🐨❤️:okay Colby this is a chance to change everything don't fuck it up❤️
From colbs🐨❤️- never❤️

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