Which To Choose

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     As the two father start arguing,
Xin ci laugh, "Well...well karma is really a bitch aren't it! Your trying to kill my son and that's what karma gave you?!"

     As Ying heard it she slapped Yan behind the head, "Your killing our son?! How could you?!" As Yan tried to explain to her that he wanted to revive her. But Ying keep slapping him. "Who is the little girl? She's scary!"  Whispered  Xin ci to Yunlan. "She is my real mother reincarnated as a little girl. "Oh...." Xin CI said. "Yunlan! Help me here! Your mother wanted to kill me!" Yan shout. As Yunlan lift his mother away from Yan. "I love you dearly but you still want to kill me?!" Yan said.
But as Ying try to struggle from Yunlan's hold. Yan run behind Da quing. "Let me go! I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind!" Shout Ying. "Calm down mother! As much as I hated it, can you forgive father for me, please!" As Ying nod. Xin ci is getting wierd look on the two children. "Yunlan are you sure there are you parents from your previous life, they  looked like children playing house?" Yunlan just shrug his shoulder.
     "Hey! Father do you want to come to the condo to drink some coffee?" Xin ci just shake his head, "I'm sorry but I still have work to do maybe another day?" As he was about to leave. Yan suddenly shout, "You ungrateful son of mine! Why are you not inviting your true father?!" Ying suddenly snap in anger. As she slapped and drag Yan away from Yunlan. "Don't worry Yunlan we will be fine here!'' As she bid him farewell.

     When Yunlan and Da quing came back to the house, they were suprise to see a strange good looking guy. Looking at Shen Wei condo. As the guy look at his way, "Are the one living here now?" He ask. Yunlan look curiosity on him. As  jealousy sipping into him. "Did my Shen Wei know someone like him?" As he claimed Shen Wei as his own, "Yes! I live there with my fiance! May I know who you are?" As he arched his brow. The guy laugh a little, "So you are Yunlan I suppose?" As he stretch his hand to Yunlan, "My name Yanzel Lee, Shen Wei cousin, I just came from America and want to visit him." As he shake his hand. "He is right you are quiet handsome, that's why Wei Wei love you dearly." As he said with a smile. While he still hold Yunlan's hand. "Wei wei!!!" Yunlan whispered to himself, as he laugh a little, "Did he said that?!" As he tried to retrieve his hand, Yanzel still don't let go of it. "What is this?! Is he challenging me or what?!" As he felt coldness on those hand. Da quing seeing the scene ready to jump on him if he harms Yunlan. He suddenly let go as he heard Yezun called with Shen Wei on his side. As Yanzel hugged Yezun. Da quing squirt in disapproval. When he was about to hug Shen Wei. Shen Wei quickly evade him and embrace Yunlan tightly. Making Yunlan looked puzzled on him but quiet happy. As making Yanzel realize "Shen Wei is for Yunlan only!"

     "Don't worry cousin I won't took him away from you!" He smirk. Yunlan just realized his target is not Shen Wei but him.  Yezun broke the awkwardness, "Come on you two! Until now your still fighting over something? We're adults now and not a kid anymore?!" Said Yezun.

     Minute pass, as Yunlan entered the room he dive quickly on the bed making himself rest for a while. He never notice Shen Wei accompany him. His eyes snap open  when he felt body press upon him. "Yunlan where did you go a moment ago?" While Shen Wei kissing his neck. "I was called by my father, Yan he got in trouble with a kid! He kick a kid for getting his lunch box! Can you believe that?! That's why the principal called me!" Shen Wei suddenly laugh. "What's so funny?! I'm exhausted in scolding him! He won't listen and addition to it my father on earth saw him too! Luckily my mother is there to stop their fight!" Shen Wei suddenly cuddle him. "Oh! My! You have a quiet day?" Yunlan suddenly flip Shen Wei down to him. "What?! Yunlan!" Shen Wei was suprise as Yunlan pressed his body unto him. "Stay for a while?! Will you?!" As he made a bat his eyes. And embrace him. Shen Wei is having fun on it. "But you know my cousin is here! We would tour him around the city." Yunlan suddenly pout making this cute puppy eyes that Shen Wei can't resist. But suddenly a knock came at the door. "Gege! It's time to go!" Yezun shout outside. As Shen Wei tried to stand while Yunlan is whinning on him and grab his waist so he might not leave. "Yunlan don't make me do it?" Yunlan looked puzzled, "Do what?! Don't go!" But as Yanzel take a peek on them. "Aren't we gonna leave?!" And seeing the scene. Shen Wei blushed as he shoved Yunlan accidentally. Making him fall unto the floor. Yanzel laugh a little. "You two are so cute!" As he was about to leave,  Yunlan's plant suddenly trip him.  As he fall flat on his face. Yunlan suddenly laugh. "Yunlan!" Shen Wei shout at him. "He made me do it!" As Yunlan pout.

     When Shen Wei, Yezun and Yanzel rode away with their car. Yunlan is left with Da quing again. As they both quiet irritated at Shen Wei and Yezun cousin. "I can't stand him, his taking away my Shen Wei!" Da quing nod as well, "Puff! Your right there! Even my dear Yezun. As they both looked defeated, "Hey! We still have time before were going back to Hell! Let's watch a movie or something?!" Suggest Da quing. But Yunlan has no energy on it without his angel. As Da quing suddenly pulled him to his room again to get change. Suddenly the doorbell ring. As Da quing looked who is it. He was shocked to see little Yan with a backpack behind his back. As Da quing called Yunlan. And as Yunlan open the door. "What are you doing here?!" He ask. "Staying with you! What else?!" Said Yan.

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