18. The Start Of An Adventure

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Spencer's POV

I can feel someone shaking me awake. I open my eyes slowly.

"Hey sleepyhead, get up and put these on." He says, throwing a t-shirt and jeans at me.

"Toby, what time is it?" I groan, grabbing the clothes and slowly starting to change.

Toby checks his watch. "About 11pm. But you can't go back to sleep because I've planned something out for you."

"In a minute." I say, closing my eyes.

"Come on!" I fell his arms around me pulling me up. He checks the blinds are closed and shuts the door. "The nurses have already been to check on you so they won't again until tomorrow."


Spencer's POV

"After you." He says opening the car door for me.

"Thanks." I answer, sliding into the passenger seat.

"I hope you enjoy what I've planned for you."

"Toby, you know what they say about hope. It breeds eternal misery."

"Ok grumpy lets go before I put you in a permanent bad mood." He adjusts the gear stick and we speed away from the hospital.

Next part will be longer! I'm just setting the next parts up! ~Laura

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