Chapter 1

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"This isn't us!" He screamed, "We haven't ever been like this and you're just gonna give up?"

"There is nothing else I can do!" I screamed back, my fist cleanched so hard my knuckles had turned white.

Mark ran his hand through his hair, fusterated, he lowered his eyes and gritted his teeth, "Fine you stupid whore!" 

With his last words hanging in the air he grabbed his jacket and stormed out of my apartment. I had been with Mark for 6 years, we had been bestfriends up until eighth grade when he asked me out. Mark and I never really fought, we had no reason to hide things and he was my solid up until a few months ago. I had been working late and decided to call him, he answered in the middle of hitting on another girl at a bar and I confronted him the next morning.  He promised me it was only once and I belived him, but not too long after that I caught him again, this time in person and it killed me inside, I needed to break things off and thats what our fight was about. 

Closing the door and locking the dead bolt I grabbed my phone and called the only person that would answer, my best friend Jackson.  


"H-Hi.." I managed to stutter out between sobs.

"I'll be there in a few minutes," He said before hanging up.

I sat against the door, my head between my legs resting on my hands waiting for his knock. It came after a few more moments and I got up to open the door, unlocking the dead bolt and pulling the door slowly open. Jackson greeted me with a sympathetic smile and a cup of coffee.

"Skyler, what happened?" he asked after we had watched a few episodes of friends, he reached over and shut the T.V off.

"I caught him again..a couple days ago, he was in the bedroom with her." I said softly, my voice cracking slightly. 

I want to cry so bad, I want to scream and pull my hair out. 

"He what.." Jackson asked his hand balling slightly.

"I told him to get out and that we were over and he gave me this," I lifted up my shirt slightly showing him the giant bruise on my side, "And then he called me a whore and left." 

"Skyler! Why didn't you call me!! I would have kicked his ass." He growled softly, his jaw set and his fist resting at his side.

"Jackson, I dont want him hurt.." I said softly, knowing how stupid I sound, "Just let it go." 

"No Skye! He hurt you!"

"And!? Just leave it!" 

Jackson stayed quiet.

"Jack, I don't care how bad he hurt me, it's done and over with and thats how it stays..ok?"

"Skye.." He grabbed me and pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder, "I dont want anyone to hurt you.." 


Hey guys! 

Just wanted to let you know that this is my first story and I would really like feed back and if I should continue this or not.


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