A Picture's Worth (Pt. 1)

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You've been back at court for several weeks, but have barely had time to go off on your own and explore the castle, especially the old, abandoned areas, including your childhood chambers.

The sight of the familiar staircase, the smells...musty now, but still there. The rooms...everything in the same place it was before you left, the rocking horse, the ball Francis and Bash always liked to play with and always fought over, the dream-catcher above your bed.

As you look at the paintings on the tapestries, you notice something, a tear you've never seen before. You wonder if it had always been there and you've just never noticed it before, but the notion doesn't seem right.

You walk over to the wall, where the tapestry is torn, wondering if moths had gotten to it, but as you pull on it, the wall comes with it, revealing an opening, the space is small and somewhat square, like a safe you put valuables in. And inside it was a brown, leather folder with loose paper sticking out of it, you open it, and see drawings...drawings of a very young girl, her face a familiar one. You continue to go through the papers, discovering more portraits of the same girl...the girl was you. As you get to the bottom of the pile you find more recent drawings of you at the age you are now. The artist has written is name at the bottom of every drawing you were to distracted by the drawings to notice it before.

You: (whispers to self) Francis?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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