Chapter 14

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Emma's P.O.V.

*Where we left off at chapter 12*


We only had to wait two hours for the witches to prepare the powerful spell to send us to the base and bring us back.

Emma ordered the group, "Stay still and do not move. This might be unpleasant."

And it was quite unpleasant, but we were finally coming for mom.

She just needed to hold on a little bit longer.

End of recap

I hated travelling by witches' spell. It always made me feel like I left my stomach behind. I grimace as I look around me. Turns out most people feel the same way.

The witches dropped us off a ten minute walk from the base, inside their borders. If we wanted to, it could be a two minute run. 

I was supposed to stay in my sniper hideout the entire time of the fight, but I doubt that this is going to happen. I just cannot resist a good fight.

Everyone remained silent throughout the run to the base to avoid alerting the guards of our arrival. Before the group had been bickering, now I could see how they were the best fighters in both of our groups. No one could even hear us move. 

I stopped first with another werewolf, Belle, at the sniper hideout to get set up. In a minute, I would start taking down guards all around. Belle was back-up in case something happened.

I could see the group stop right in front of the door and Ethan give me the signal to start shooting. I took it and shot the first guard I saw. He went down silently without alerting the others.

I was able to take down three more guards before someone noticed. Belle signaled Ethan to charge and that the guards were aware of our presence. 

They did just that and I saw our fathers split off of the group with Stefan, Laurine, and Max to go look for mom. I hope they wouldn't take too long. 

I refocused on shooting. The only problem is that the actual fight was taking place inside, so all the guards were inside. I shot three more before everyone was inside. I got an extra two through the windows.

But now I couldn't shoot and I was getting bored. I honestly tried to stay at my location, but I felt Jackson get hit by silver and I had to act.

I told Belle, "Stay here, I am going to help." She nodded and took my place. I hopped down from our spot and ran towards the building.

The moment I opened the door all I could see was blood. The place was practically slipping in it. The room was to our advantage because it stopped the Hunters from bringing in reinforcements since we blocked the hallway.

I spotted Jackson fighting off several Hunters at once and sprinted towards him. I shot a Hunter in the neck with my gun and he went down, chocking on his own blood.

Jackson saw me and nodded, showing his gratefulness for the help. We went back-to-back and fought like he have a million times before.

I used all my ammo and turned my gun into a stick. Our objective was to make sure the Hunters stayed down to give the Alphas more time to find mom. 

At some point, Ethan made it to our side. We were in a little circle, our backs facing each other as we fought off the Hunters.

As triplets, we always fought like this. Some people in the past told us it was quite the sight to see. We were the killing machines of the Smith Organization, a part of the reason why though the Alpha Kings of the world hated us, they would never attack us.

The Alpha King and pack wolves had to respect this idea of honor. For us, everything is fair in war and survival. We used guns and tricks. People insulted us saying we had no honor, but to us, it wasn't an insult.

Back to the battle, Ethan, Jackson and I were surrounded by an increasing number of bodies. I could tell Ethan was injured on his right side because he favored his left, something he hates doing. 

Jackson on the other hand had a cut on his left shoulder and he was a lefty unfortunately for him. Most of the werewolves had chosen to shift into their wolf form. 

Ethan, Jackson, and I had learned how to partially shift. So in this case, I had claws coming from my hand which I used to fight.

When we were younger, the Smith Organization had barely started and we were sitting targets. Mom, Josh and Chris made sure we were taught how to fight in any situation any way any how.

Even though we are only sixteen, this is not our only fight and we have killed before. I remember my first kill like it was yesterday. A rogue had spotted us at a park and decided we were easy targets. I saw him first and at ten years old, I snapped his neck after shooting him.

I am also injured. Someone had gotten close enough to cut me on my thigh and currently the wound was healing before my eyes. thank God for werewolf healing!

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw our fathers come out of the staircase, carrying mom unconscious in their arms. She did not look good. Stefan, Laurine and Max were trailing them. 

I yelled through the temporary mind-link that we put in place for all of the fighters, "Retreat! Objective obtained! Success!"

Everyone listened and dealt with their final opponent before running for the door. I noticed that the Alphas and mom were already gone. Good. Max and Stefan were killing the Hunters who pursued us while Laurine showed the way home.

I was one of the last ones to make it to the clearing because I went to get Belle. When we both made it, I nodded to Ethan, signifying everyone was here.

Ethan pressed the button the witches had given him to show when he was ready to go home. I tensed as the witches spell took place.

My only thought was that we did it, that we have mom.

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