Chapter 1

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(Moonlight Pack)

8:00 am in the morning.

'Rosey, wake up, sweetie. It's time for your school.' I heard my mom call me from downstairs, as she often does to remind me of my daily routine.

"'I'm up, Mom. Give me just a minute,' I replied, but truthfully, I hated mornings like these. Going to school and dealing with my idiotic classmates was always such a drag. Ugh!

Why the hell does this school has to start so early?

Stupid school, I murmured myself while I feel lazy to wake up from my bed.

Pity me and my pitiful life, but the truth is, I'm not an early bird and I don't want to be one. I love my life just the way it is.

Why does it have to get stuck in this tedious study? I said to myself. Then again, my mom calls me with the heart-breaking news.

'Sweetie, hurry up! Your dad's coming home.' my mom shouts at me and, this time, It compelled me to get off my bed.

Oh gosh, no..! Please Not again!

Don't tell me that old man is coming home?

Doesn't he have enough work to keep himself busy?

I realized that I'll never find peace in this house. With a sigh, I leaped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to begin my morning routine.

The best thing about the morning is to have a hot shower. It will freshen up my day and my mood.

After showering, I changed into a comfortable pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Makeup isn't really my thing, since I'm not much of a girly-girl. Therefore, I just throw my hair up into a bun and slip on a pair of sneakers.

After that, I walk downstairs towards the kitchen, where I can see the old man staring at me with his angry face. He looks so furious as if he can hit me from the front door.

But guess what, who cares?

I try to ignore his glaring from the corner of my eyes and walk towards the delicious food smell.

'Good Morning, mom.' I said.

'Good Morning, sweetie.' mom replies.

It is the sweetest thing I can hear early in the morning.

'hmmm! it smells so delicious.' I said.

'Well, breakfast is almost ready. Please make yourself comfortable.' mom says with a cute smile.

I must say, my mom, is the world's best mom. She is caring, supportive, and always protective towards us, no matter what. She is always there for me with her loving arms.

Whereas my daddy is a complete opposite mess. I don't know what has gotten into his nerves that make him hate me so much.

Anyways, I can't ignore the fact that he is my dad. So, I greeted him with my morning wishes.

'Good Morning, dad', I said while looking towards my angry old dad.

'Good Morning.' he replies with a harsh voice.

Not a big surprise..!

Anyways, he keeps on staring at me, and I can strongly sense his angriness from his voice. Honestly, I cannot figure out what makes him so angry?

Is it just because I failed to meet his expectation?

Or Is it because I wasn't the same as Emma (My sister)?

Why? Dad..?

I'm not angry that Dad loves Emma more than me. It's just that I'm his daughter too, and I deserve to be loved and supported just as much as she is.

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