Chapter 12

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Christina woke up slowly, her eyes fluttering rapidly as she tried to work out her surroundings. She felt weak and disorientated. Her hand grabbed onto a wall of some sort, no not a wall, they were moving. She heard a voice in front of her and could make out the shape of someone. 'Chris.....' The voice said. Christina tried to pull herself up when she felt hands on her shoulders. 'It's okay, I'm here.' The voice said.

'Kath?' Christina said wearily. Her sister's face came into focus as she helped Christina sit against the side of the vehicle. Christina turned her head and saw two people in the front, one driving, before setting her eyes on Lucy. She was sitting as far away from them as possible, playing with an athame in her hands. That meant Kate and Natalie were in the front. Christina looked back to Katherine. 'Where are we?'

'In a van.' Katherine said.

'Okay, where are we going? And why do I feel like this?' Christina tried to sit up further but her weakened state wouldn't allow it.

'I don't know where we're going.' Katherine admitted. 'And she's doing that.' Katherine motioned to Lucy.

'Can't have you blasting out of here.' Lucy smiled. Kate turned from the front and looked at them nervously, apologetically almost.

'Kath, there's blood on you.' Christina noted, reaching out, the sleeve of Katherine's top partly covered in blood.

'It's okay, I crashed through the coffee table when they attacked.' She saw the look on Christina's face. 'I'm fine.' Katherine assured her.

'Nat, she's awake.' Lucy called to the front.

'Nice of you to join us Christina.' Natalie said. 'You're going to feel pretty shitty for a while I'm afraid. Lucy will be making sure you can't use any powers.'

'Where are we going?' Katherine asked.

'To visit mum.' Natalie said. She made a turn and they sped down what Katherine assumed was a freeway. 'Time to make that spell work.'

'I already told you....' Christina shifted uncomfortably. 'The spell won't work.'

'That's why you two are here.' Natalie said. 'Some sacrifices should appease the magic. A life for a life and all that.'

'Oh my God, you really are an idiot.' Christina said, laughing. She felt suddenly weaker as Lucy intensified her power. Katherine saw and turned on Lucy.

'Stop, she's not a threat to you right now.' Katherine said angrily.

'She insulted my sister.' Lucy said.

'You don't want to kill her before we get there.' Kate added as Lucy relented slightly. Christina let out a breath and had to fight the urge to sleep.

'Why are we both here?' Christina asked. 'You only need..... one of us........ so let Kath go.' Katherine gripped Christina's hand.

'Not going to happen.' Natalie said. 'Hopefully the others will be flustered without you two and we'll have time to finish the spell before they realise where we are.'

'They're smarter than you think.' Katherine told them. 'Too smart to let this rattle them.'

'We'll see.' Natalie said. 'One of you will be dead very soon anyway.'

'We may be dead, but your plan will have failed.' Katherine said. 'I've read that spell and Christina is right. Life for a life won't work. Your mother has been gone for too long.'

'What are you talking about? Nat, you said it's going to work.' Kate queried but Natalie cut her off.

'Don't listen to them Kate. They're just trying to stall us and stop us doing the spell.' Natalie said.

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