Part 1 -

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My name is Ellie Dolan and I'm 13 years old, my birthday is 11th July 2005 . My older siblings are Cameron Dolan (21), Ethan Dolan(19) , Grayson Dolan (19). I live in LA with Gray and E and I love it here . I miss mum and dad a lot though.
I have brown/ blonde hair and short. I have dark blue eyes with shortish eyelashes and I have freckles along my nose . I love the beckhams.

Present day - Monday 7th feb *not done to actual Callander days*
"ELLIE WE NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!" Grayson shouted . I was in my room doing my online school because it's Monday , I ran into the living room where they both sat on the purple couch. "We are some news for you ..." E said " WE ARE GOING TO ENGLAND " I stood there wondering if this was real . I've always wanted to go to England but I never thought it would actually happened. "no freaking way . NO FREAKING WAY" I shouted " I CANT BELIEVE THIS IM SO HAPPY" I ran and engulfed them in a hug . "We are leaving on Thursday so get packing, we are going for 2 months with Emma and James" Ethan Said . I ran to my room and started throwing clothes out of my wardrobe and onto the floor .

Wednesday - the day before England

I heard a knock at the Door and go and answer it . I was reading in my room and still had my book in my hand . it was James and Emma " OMG hi Ellie I've not seen u in so long" Emma said as I hugged her " hi sister I've got a surprise for you come with me" James said as I followed him into the living room . I put my book down and sat with him on the purple coach then gray and E came in aswell .
"Well Ellie , I have been asked to do VICTORIA BECKHAMS makeup when we are in England I was wondering if u want to come with me!" .
I sat there staring at him . No way could this be real . "YES YES YES thank you so much James !!!" I replied. "Anyway ell * that's her nickname* as the fans don't know who u are we  all brought u some of our merch to wear to cover up" Emma gave me one of her new hoodies , James gave me some sister joggers and I already have my brothers merch in my wardrobe to pick out. This was my outfit for the airport

Non of the fans knew that gray, E and Cameron has a little sister because I've never been on the camera because I don't want to

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Non of the fans knew that gray, E and Cameron has a little sister because I've never been on the camera because I don't want to . Non of my friends know I'm the sister aswell .

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