That one time my mom made me feel like shit for liking blue

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Definition: the female version of a man.

Synonyms: the fairer sex, the other half, the weaker sex.

I could go on. What I want to talk about is feminism and a womans place in the society. Instead, Ill tell you a story.

Today, my mother and I had a row and while this is very common in our household, it was unsettling nonetheless. My siblings wanted to celebrate our belated birthdays, being an introvert, I refused and after awhile, wed reached a compromise. Now, as my siblings and I rattled off about how we wanted our cakes, I happened to mention that I wanted mine to be royal blue and silver (only Potterheads will understand) my mother heard and asked my sternly Why blue? Isnt that a male colour?. Sensing a row but not wanting to give up on my favorite colour, I mumbled blue isnt a male colour she looked ready to explode now Ive done it. She went on a rampage, on and on about how I know nothing of colours, comparing me to my relatively girly younger sister, complaining of my dressing sense (theres nothing wrong with going casual), disapproving of my choice of friends(Im no longer friends with a girl she approves of. Well, she took my money and hasnt paid me back, not to mention the fact that she sleeps with every Tom, Dick and Harry she comes across- great choice mother! So, no), and she even poked fun at my cooking totally forgetting that the fact that I havent died yet is proof that I can cook well enough not to kill myself. Do you want to know the worst part of her nagging? She told me that I need to get my life in order and be more feminine. Really? More feminine? The thing is that my mother doesnt ever stop to consider everyone else; I assume that she just thinks that were all like her. she doesnt stop to think that all humans are different and individual and frankly, I think that thats what causes her relationships with other people

Anyway, my whole point of that whole rant is to bring out the fact that my mother places importance in looks and domestication. I mean no offence to those that do and while I do think that these are important traits to have I see no reason for them to be the only thing that is thought of when the subject of women is thought of. What I mean is that women, females, are such resourceful and insightful creatures that it just seems wrong to stick us in the kitchen and expect that to be all well ever become. I have this dream, silly as it may be to one day be a successful writer like JK Rowling, Veronica Roth, Chimamanda Achide Edith Pathou and many others, but anytime I sit and daydream of being as renowned as any of them, my mothers shrill voice comes into my mind screaming Cook, you cannot cook! Dress, you cannot dress!! Common to clean house, you cant do!!! Tell me what can you do?! No man will want a wife that cant do anything! as though my biggest accomplishment should come from securing a man and getting married. Mother and wife, is that all Ill be remembered as? Theres nothing wrong with being somebody later in life I mean, there are women whove brought down empires, rose up kings and ruled nations all on their own. None of them being any less female in societys eyes, I honestly see nothing wrong in liking the colour blue.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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