Stop it

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Some people can relate to disagreeing with someone in the life. See I don't like people so the only things that fight is my head and my heart.
See to describe my head well simply a mess. My head thinks ahead and prepares for the worst. It thinks strangely and weird witch gives me a good laugh once in a while.
My heart is so much different. It's wild and vary impatient and creative. The only things that they have in common is both stubborn and dangerous!
All they fucking do is fight! Hers just one story that will give you a clear example.
So one time long long ago I had a best friend. Then to keep the story short we ended up not being friends anymore. That was in 3 grade. Now I'm in 7 grade and I saw her on my bus. I thought maybe we should talk. And turn out i missed a lot.
Then I started to have feelings for her my heart would skip a beat when I see her. I was practically speechless. Then my brain said no my mom dose not like her it won't work out. It will never work! My head would not stop screaming. My heart to the lead though. It's hard when there both screaming. My heart said yes but my head said no.
My heart just did not care at that point and now we are dating. I'm so happy I love her so much so if she reading this HEY CASSIE LOVE YOU!! 😂

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