Cute things you do.

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WARNING: Some of these aren't cute. And this chapter is very short.

Name: Y/n (middle name) Alto Rico

It was one time.

You and your brothers went out the mall. Aron had to use the bathroom so you, your twin and Dominic found a place to sit. It was starting to get boring until you decided to sing a song to brothers. Bonus point, there was a piano there to.

But instead of singing your heart practically yelled the words out. Oh! And your voice cracked while you sang. Isn't that cute?

When you are sick, you'll talk to yourself. Now...I know that doesn't sound cute at first but your brothers think it's hilarious. You basically sound like your high off of anesthesia. Your happy that they're happy but your still in pain. Sometimes you'll even argue with yourself. And even though your sick, you still sing to Dominic so he doesn't have his nightmares, hug Aron when Dominic isn't around and entertain Luka when he's bored. That's sweet~

Sometimes when your flustered or if you stutter, your voice will glitch. Like if you try to say something but pronounce incorrectly then you try to say it again but messed it up even more, your voice will glitch. Luka thinks your an idiot for saying the word over and over again because you'll just keep glitching until you shut up and say whatever you were saying all over again. But he finds it amusing at the same time. Dominic holds back his laughs and Aron just waits until you say it over again.

You sing cheesy songs to your brothers. Either to make them laugh or annoy them. Your fine with any of their reactions to be honest. But you love annoying Aron out of all three of them.

Sorry this was short.)

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