Chapter 2 : A Piece of Wisdom

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G and Giotto had actually known each other since they were around six. But they had only met at school, before Giotto lost his parents. The two had formed a strong bond of friendship since then. G had also mentioned Giotto's name sometimes, though it seemed that Valentina thought Giotto would be just the same like any other boy. A coward, rude, annoying, and probably wimpy boy, who would insult her or run away from her, while calling her a witch.

So she would just stick to her book and nod ignorantly, which annoyed G a lot. After all, he was just a big brother who got himself concerned with his sister's change. He knew Giotto was a different boy; it was the very reason why he had admired the blonde. He was pretty sure that his sister would grow softer if she were to meet Giotto. So for her to ignore him, storytelling about Giotto, would certainly be regret on her behalf. For the boy was actually too kind to be true.

It was after the death of Giotto's parents when he was taken by his grandfather, Antonio, who happened to live next to her house. He was eleven years old, and she was ten. G, the oldest among them, was twelve years old.

During the first four years they were best friends, it was always G who visited Giotto. Even when Giotto came to visit his grandfather, it was G who would come to the senior's house. Valentina, who had always preferred to stay home and out of trouble, never met Giotto. She even kept refusing G's offer to join him; this is why when Giotto visited G for the first time, the girl had no knowledge of the blond.

What made her so insecure happened when she was even younger. It caused her to hate boys aside from his brother.


Val was five when she first became interested with books. She had taken an interest with books from her father's library and began her new hobby—reading. At that time, it was considered pretty weird when girls like to read books, especially when the books had no pictures, and were certainly not children's books either.

One day when she was seven years old, she was reading a book under a tree when a group of boys came towards her.

"Hey, you book freak! Don't you have anything better to do?"

"Yeah, you must be reading a dangerous book to make potions or spells right? Val is a witch ~ A wicked witch ~!" mocked the other boy as he sang an insulting tune.

Of course, she was disheartened. She did not do anything wrong, nor did she mean to look angry. Yet those boys kept calling her a witch just because of her cold expression and odd attitude. Her face, in fact, happened to be something she was born with.

Reminded of how G told her to stand up for her pride, she stood bravely and told those boys to leave her alone.

"Hey! It's not a witch's spell book! It's a science book! And what if I read? Why is it a problem to you?"

But they did not stop, they kept making noises as she spoke to mock her and ignore her words and reasoning. Some even called her a liar, for the book really was a witch's book, according to them anyway. She got her bloods boiled and eventually she yelled at them.


Tears started to form in her eyes as she fell off to the ground. She hugged her feet to hide her tears and her embarrassment of not being able to hold them. Did the boys leave her? Yes, they did. They did run away after she screamed off, but to make things worse, they could not just leave her in peace.Not only did they continue to make fun of her while fleeing, some also threw pebbles at her, since a witch deserved to be treated so.

"Eeek she really is a witch! Run guys, or she'd curse us!"

"The name Valentina doesn't even suit her!"

As they got farther, their voice started to quiet down. But some whispers could still be heard and there was this sentence that made her feel the worst ever.

"I think she's not just a witch, she's not even a girl. Would a girl be acting like that? She isn't supposed to wear dresses!"

Of course, some of those days after, G had given them a proper lesson, causing certain yells and arguments between parents. However, it did not do anything to Val's fear of boys, not even her sadness either. Ever since that day, she had become ignorant. She stayed almost always indoor.

"She's not even a girl!"

The words kept ringing in her ears.

But somehow, it had her matured quite fast and made her act like a lady. She sat ever so gracefully, ate neatly, stayed clean, and spoke politely. Never did she play with G outside anymore. With that said, she still knew not to be foolish enough to be underestimated and kept in the darkas how women were treated at that time. This meant, she was against the idea that a girl did not have to be smart. For a girl her age, she was certainly very mature and clever.

-End of Flashback-

A month before Giotto's visit, a terrible incident happened. When Giotto and G were in school, an enormous fire started in Giotto's village in Villagonia, causing the death of his parents and many of the villagers. The boy was taken by his grandfather shortly after.

Yet when such a tragedy happened, Valentina could only feel pity towards the boy. She was even more worried she would make the boy's condition worse. She thought of how Giotto would call her a witch. And since he lost his parents at such an age, he was thought to be rather sensitive and insecure, as most boys of his age would be when given such circumstances. In the end, she did not care if the boy moved next to her house. She did not even pay attention that it was the boy G had mentioned most of the time. Let alone remembering his name.

And maybe, just maybe, all that reason was why she felt deeply touched by Giotto's kindness. Despite the tragic incident happened to him, he could still treat her gently and even smiled so warmly that it penetrated her soul. Oh, don't get him wrong, it wasn't as if he had no feelings or griefs. He cried on and on during the first week of his parents' death. But he was different. Besides,

'Those who have passed away might as well rest in peace, as long as the ones who are left behind are not drowned in sorrow, for they'll live on in the hearts of the loved ones.'

The wise couple knew this very well and taught their son of that, so when the time came, Giotto would be ready.

Therefore, he became strong since he had to let go of his parents in peace. He just had to move on. That was the moment the future Vongola Boss had formed his strength and courage, in which had made both Val and G inspired. A piece of wisdom was all it took to strengthen someone as well as to affect the others surrounding.

In Giotto was where she found the warmth and the strength to also move on, especially when her past was not anything tragic compared with his. While G, well, he had always acknowledged the qualities of a leader in Giotto.

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1. Villagonia is a Frazioni (Fraction) of Taormina. I believe Frazioni is mostly small villages or something like that. (Correct me if I'm wrong). In any case, it is near Taormina and seems to make enough sense in the story.

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