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Harry's POV 

Once again I woke to my dear Auntie Petunia pounding on my door.

"Get up Freak!" She screeched. Despite this I stretched cheerily, swinging my legs to the floor getting up. I've been slowly losing my little bit of remaining sanity over the summer and no one's noticed. 

"Coming Aunt Tuney" I said making her go quiet. I've never called her that before and it did come out creepier than intended. But oh well. I walked over and opened the door, walking right past her to start breakfast.

"Where's my coffee boy!" Uncle Vernon barked.

"It'll be ready in a minute Uncle" I said almost cheerily. 

"Don't get smart with me boy" he warned and I chirped an 'ok' in the same cheerful tone making him glower at me. I finished making his coffee and handed it to him only to have him grab my hand in an iron grip. "Listen here boy", he spat "I don't know what all this is, but I suggest you stop before I make you." he warned. Instead of the fear I'd usually be feeling, I felt bubbly and ecstatic. In a split second, I'd dropped the scalding hot coffee in his lap and smiled sweetly at him. (Well in his mind it was sweet but all Vernon saw was an insane grin worthy of a psychiatric patient really.)

"Oops" I said simply when he shouted and jumped up letting go of my hand to get a towel. I just stood there smiling sweetly (once again Harry, you are not smiling sweetly, you're grinning insanely).

"HOW DARE YOU" Screamed Uncle Vernon stomping over to me going purple in the face. He hit me so hard I fell to floor, but I was unphased. I kicked him in the stomach and got up dodging another enraged blow from him and walked over to the knife block, grabbing a butcher knife I had sharpened just yesterday. Vernon went pale and Aunt Tuney clutched at her little Duddykins, cowering in fear. "You put that down right now you freak!" He shouted at me. He never really had two brain cells to rub together did he?

"How about..... No" I said I plunged the knife into his stomach. He screamed out in pain as I laughed insanely before dropping down dead. Dudley started screaming and Aunt Tumey covered his mouth trying to stop him. "Stop screaming so loud dear cousin, you might disturb the neighbors" I said I walked towards him and Tuney. "Eenie meenie, miny mo, catch a tiger by its toe" I chanted as I clocked my head to the side at an unnatural angle. (He's flexible ok?) Dudley looked confused but Tuney realized what I was doing and started begging for me to spare them. "If he hollers let him go" I finished deciding to kill Tuney first. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her away from Dudley. I pushed her down and plunged the knife into her chest, again and again, over and over, even after she was dead. Duddy was cowering in the corner, terrified. I started cutting off her limbs and and tossing them to the side. 

"P-please don't kill me" Dudley whimpered as I got up. 

"Why? That would be no fun" I answered. "Come here." I told him. He shakily walked over to me and I grabbed him by the hair making him whimper. I forced open his mouth and shoved a large chunk of his mummy hair down his throat as a gag and cut out his tongue and clawed out his eyes. He was making choking and gagging noises as he suffocated slowly and painfully. I cut open his stomach and started pulling out his organs. He finally died with a stomach churning gurgling noise. I got off him and went back to Vernon and cut his head off.

The doorbell startled me out of my thoughts. Tossing the knife in the trash bin, I hurried up the stairs, throwing the door to my room open, barely stifling my laughter. Grabbing my meager possessions even worth keeping and hurrying downstairs. I flung the backdoor open and ran. 

Well that was interesting. Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger and I'm also sorry for my Harry Lestrange readers but I'm really running out of inspiration there.  Bye my peeps!

*Apparates away in a cloud of red glitter*

10-8-20 Update

I changed a minor spelling error and completely changed the end. I thought it would be better for him to leave and run from whoever's at the door. After all he's homicidal and deranged, not fucking stupid.

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