You call me sweet, like I'm some kind of cheese

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I sat at a table across from Joe.

"So what was it like, ya know being Freddie Mercury's daughter?"

"Well it was unusually normal. Yes, I had money but I was always humble."

"I'm surprised he didn't name you Delilah. Ya know, after the cat."

"Oh trust me her tried. He treid really hard, but pops wouldn't let him."

"Hm? So how does your last name work? Did you go with just hutton or Mercury or did you like mix 'em up?"

"Wow you Americans are full of questions huh? But I went with just Mercury. Jasmine Merriell Mercury." 

"Merriell, where did that come from?"

"My birth mom gave me a middle name I hated, so dad let me pick my own name at 14. So I changed it after Merriell Shelton."



We laughed and finished lunch.

"Joe, you're needed back on set. 

Can't you see, I'm Ms.MercuryWhere stories live. Discover now