You hate...
Swearing in this book, because of some characters. You are now warned.
If you want to find out the question, then you need to read.
Do not own Ft or Mha or most important you.
Hell nawh, I won't let ya get away with my precious little dragon.
I requipped into one of my favorite armors and ran to kick my precious little dragons ass if she made any 2.0 jokes about me, and to kick that guy kidnapping her.
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(This is what she requipped into btw. I don't know how to explain stuff, sorry.)
When I saw them (Y/n) had to make that joke. "Hey 2.0 what cha doing here. I said that I would be ok." She just wanted to piss me off.
-Your POV-
Lucky looked pissed off right now. Muhahahah. You loved making these Erza 2.0 jokes around her, especially because she knows she never can beat Erza, she's freaking powerful and sCArY.
You kicked the tsundere where the sun doesn't shine, so you could get down.
"FIGHT ME BISH!!!" You and Lucky yelled this at the same time. Then You said to her that you were in.
-Bakugou's POV-
That hurt like hell. I didn't know shitty girl was that good of a kicker.
Then I fucking saw shitty girl and her friend was about to leave. Fucking Deku and that half n' half bastard just stood there without doing a thing. So I got up and was about to grab shitty girl.
I fell on the ground.
Wait what!
They fucking punched me in the face. Now I'm angry. I was on my way to punch them when they punched me again.
-Your POV-
"So∼, where do you want to fight, since Erza and Mira can't stop us from fighting?" You asked Lucky. "Dunno?" She answered. Then you saw that tsundere come to grab me. Luckily you and Lucky thought the same thing. You guys punched him hard in the face so he fell on the ground.
Then he got up again, so∼, you guys punched him again.
"Fucking fight me, you to!" The tsundere yelled to us. Then Lucky was a little savage. "Shouldn't you ask your friends to join you, so you don't lose so∼ bad." She said.
Now you both knew that the ash blonde boy was pissed off.
"Era, no. I mean you need help from your friends to only beat one of us, and then you will still lose." you said. But it was true. Your magic power was stronger that quirks. You saw the anime. You knew their weaknesses and advantages. You and Lucky started making those evil smirks that Erza and Mira make. "So, do you know a place we can fight?" Lucky asked him. The tsundere 'tch'ed and started walking. We just followed him with glares that could kill someone.
Broccoli and candy cane followed us. When we arrived we saw an, not that large, stadium. We went down to the fighting area, and waited for the other two boys to join us because even if the tsundere says no, he needs their help.