Army Wife?

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July 7, 2010
Fresh off my last deployment as an active member of the US Army, I cruised through the streets of Cambridge. I was a thick built girl, hips and tittles galore, but that didn't stop me from being one of the toughest women you could ever meet, or at least that's what everyone told me. I remember my first conversation with my drill sergeant.

"You look like someone pissed in ya cereal and stole ya puppy, Washington. Why you always looking angry?" He raised his eyebrow and stared back at me as I gulped down half of gallon of water like I was dying of extreme thirst. I answered simply in the most country accent you'd ever hear. 

"People don't mess with you when you look like you'd murder their entire family..." 

"I... you need some counseling Washington?" He blinked quickly, leaning closer to me. 

"I'm sorry. Too morbid?" I grinned, raising an eyebrow. 

"I've been in the military for 15 something years, and that is the most batshit crazy thing I have ever heard." He shook his head and stood up straight. 

"There's a strong possibility that I could be crazy." I giggled, standing from my seated position.

It seemed as if I was going in circles since I had been driving so long. I picked up my phone from the passenger seat and dialed the number I was given when I landed. It belonged to this girl named "Shy." I was told she could help me find some quick work and get settled. This was my first time in Massachusetts and anywhere else on this side of the country without being confined to my uniform. The phone rang for a while and after the 3rd ring, someone answered.

"Hello?" A voice spoke from the end of the phone. 

"Hey... Is this Shy?" 

"Depends on who's asking," she asked, sounding slightly alarmed. 

"Uh... My name is Aly'Sha. Rico gave me your number when I landed."

"Aahhh... you must be the army girl looking for some quick cash until they send you that first check," she giggled. 

"I guess you could say that. They said it might take awhile but apartment buildings don't exactly take smiles for payment." I chuckled, turning the corner as the light turned green. I could hear her giggling through the phone. 

"Oh, I wish they did. My rent would be paid for a whole year at this point." She laughed causing me to join in. 

"Hell yeah. So where would you like to meet up?" I asked, pulling over to keep from wasting gas.
"There is a Spanish Restaurant not to far from the campus we can meet there." I heard shuffling in the background, sounding like she had just stood up. 

"What's the name?" 

"It's called Cuchi Cuchi.  It's more of a dinner spot so it'll be opening at 5. I'll meet you there are 4:45. That sounds good to you?" I nodded like she could see me as I typed the name of the restaurant into my GPS.

"Yeah that's cool."

"Perfect! I'll see you soon."

Present Day

"Aly'Sha!" a voiced yelled from the hallway. I lifted my head slowly, looking at the clock: 8:45am.
Who in God's name is waking me up this early, knowing damn well I don't do well in the morning?

"What the fuck you want man?" I grumbled, burying my face back into my pillow. My pitbull Koda shifted beside me as my door flew open.

"First of all, who the fuck you yelling at, lil girl?" questioned the small, thick woman at my bedside. She always had a way of scolding me as if I broke something and lied about it.

"Sorry Mama, but you know I'm not a morning person," I muttered, lifting my head to look up at her.

"Mmhm, getcho lazy ass up. You got clients," she said with a thump to my forehead as she walked away. 

"Banging on my door like they the police or some shit. Odell put my damn apple juice down!" she screamed as she bolted down the hall as fast as her tiny legs could carry her.

After another five minutes of comfort, I pushed myself off the bed and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. The patter of Koda's soft paws and the thud of the thick Cuban link chain around his neck followed as I made my way to the kitchen. I was greeted by the sight of Odell on the floor, curled into a ball holding his shins. Immediately knowing the culprit, I looked over at Shy.

"What? He had my apple juice and he knows tiny people don't fight fair," she stated with a shrug before grabbing the bottle of juice from the counter.

"So you kicked him in the shins?" I groaned, helping the big noodle headed beast off the floor.

"You damn right I did," she nodded, walking out of the kitchen happily sipping the juice."

"Come on Jr.," I said, grabbing a bottle of Gatorade from the fridge. We walked arm in arm to the gym where the rest of the athletes were waiting. After many uncounted hours, I emerged back to my office, resting my head on my desk. This was a daily thing when football wasn't in season. Athletes fly all the way across the country just to train with me and working 60-80 hours can be tiring, especially for someone that doesn't sleep as it is.


"Sha, Sha?" A deep groggy voice echoed throughout the empty gym. 

"In my office, Daka." I spoke up lifting my desk off of the desk. The thud of his boots echoed louder the closer he got to the entrance. He finally emerged, dressed in cargo pants and a tight-fitting shirt.

"How long you been out here?" he asked as he leaned against the doorframe.

"Since 9 this morning," I groaned, covering my eyes with my arm.

"Babygirl it's midnight, why you still out here?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because I don't have the energy to get up and go in the house," I confessed with a shrug.

"You know, you a lil lazy muthafucka." He walked over and stood me up out of my chair. 

"You one to talk. You sent Killa to bring a bowl into the kitchen and when he was asleep you sent a roomba." He lifted my body and tossed me over his shoulder with a laugh. 

"I was hurt that one time." He turned off all the lights as we walked out of the gym. 

"You broke your ankle. You mean to tell me the mighty King Jaguar has weak ankles and beard game?" I pulled on his beard lightly as we walked the pathway back to the house. 

Cutting his eyes to me, he growled. "Don't make me put you down lil girl."

"If you do, I ain't moving. Imma be sleeping with the gravel tonight." I smirked playfully making him laugh. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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