that we travelled we stole

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On Saturday, Harry found himself on David's porch knocking without thought.

After moments of waiting, the front door opened revealing David, wearing his signature Brewstone Creamery uniform.

"What are you doing here?!" David whisper-shouted, grabbing his shoes and closing the door behind him. "If my mom sees you, I'm dead,"

"Shit," Harry stepped off of David's porch and to the side of the house where David's car was parked. "I'm sorry, I forgot,"

David began walking towards the car, and opened the door, stepping in. He then motioned for Harry to get in as well.

Obliging, Harry quickly hopped into the passenger seat and David pulled out of the driveway in a hurry, without a word until they left the neighbourhood.

"I forgot your Mum was home on weekends" Harry finally said, looking over at David who had his eyes on the road.

"I just told you like two days ago," David replied. His grip tightened on the wheel.

It was quiet as the two boys stared ahead, the wheels on David's car rolling slowly against the concrete.

Harry didn't know what to say. Was he leading David on this whole time? He thought they were on the same page. He thought David liked the way things were going. The way things were staying.

So he finally spoke up. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm really sorry," His voice was shaky, nervous. He looked over at David after speaking, David's eyes still glued to the road as he made a turn.

David shrugged, scoffing. "It's whatever," he said. "I shouldn't have even said anything. Now I've ruined everything,"

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. David didn't ruin anything!

"Not that there was anything beyond what we were doing to ruin," David shook his head.

Silence filled the empty spaces in the car once again, Harry's mind looking for something to say, but finding nothing.

Out of nowhere, David hit the steering wheel, the horn honking. "Fuck!" he called through gritted teeth, his cheeks red, his eyes blurred with tears.

Harry jumped, looking over at David who pulled over on the side of the street and turned his hazards on.

David put the car in park and wiped his eyes quickly. When he spoke up, his eyes were still covered by the palms of his hands.

"I knew you would say no," he started. "I don't even know why I asked, it's so damn obvious that you don't feel the same way. And it's not your fault Harry! I promise it's not your fault. I care about you so much, I pushed away from the thought in the back of my mind telling me that you didn't care about me as I care about you,"

"David," Harry reached for David's shoulder, hesitating before pulling his hand away. "I care about you," Was all Harry could say.

David nodded, lifting his hands away from his now red eyes. "You care about me," he said softly. "But not in the same way as I do,"

"David, I-" Harry took a deep breath. "I'm really sorry,"

"You don't need to apologize for anything," David put a hand on Harry's knee, giving it a squeeze as he evidently held back his tears. "Some things just don't work out in the way I hoped they would. I always manage to get myself involved with someone who's infatuated with someone else,"

Harry felt his breath hitch in his throat. "W-What?"

"Harry," David smiled a little. "Zayn called when we were practically fucking. It wasn't important, but you picked up anyways,"

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