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Word count: 5,831 words


     I slept rather peacefully, feeling myself being pressed against Fred's hard chest and his arms wrapped protectively around my waist, making me the little spoon. I didn't want this to end but of course all good things end eventually because something better awaits. I hear Fred's alarm go off quite loudly and he groans softly, twisting slightly to turn the alarm off. I blink my eyes open tiredly.

"What time is it?" I ask in my scratchy sleep filled voice.

"7:30." Fred replies in a much deeper voice and I have to admit, it was pretty sexy.

"Ugh, go back to bed." I say in a muffled voice as I roll over and curl into Fred's body more.

"I have to get up to go to work love." Fred responds, nudging me slightly.

"I don't want you to go." I reply, lifting my leg and wrapping it around Fred's waist and hugging myself closer to him.

Fred chuckles slightly. "Trust me, if I didn't have to go to work every time someone, including myself, didn't want me to go I wouldn't have a job." Fred says.

I groan. "Well then it looks like you don't have a job." I say, rolling over further so I'm on top of him and cuddling my face into the side of his neck.

"Hermione, I have to go to work. You need to get off of me love." Fred tells me. "I get off at six so I'll be able to see you for dinner."

I pout slightly. "Fine." I grumble, sliding off of him.

"Good girl." Fred coos, leaning down to press a small kiss to my shoulder blade closest to him.

      I sigh contentedly for a few seconds. Fred stands up and walks across the room to the door opening it before accioing his magenta work robes and his other hygiene necessities. I lift my leg slightly and tuck my arm under my pillow to support my head and I slowly begin to doze off again. What seemed like an hour later Fred nudges me awake and I blink tiredly up at him.

"I'm getting ready to leave love. I'll see you tonight, 6:30 at the latest." Fred whispers, crouched down next to my face.

     I tiredly pucker my lips, silently asking for a kiss. Fred doesn't disappoint. He lifts his hand and curls his fingers gently in my hair, massaging my scalp as his lips melt with mine. My hand blindly searches for the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me as I kiss until I simply cannot breathe anymore. I pull back from him with a small sleepy smile and he grins back.

"As much as I enjoy your kisses, you have terrible morning breath." He chuckles.

I frown slightly. "I bet it's better than tasting your brother's toe on my tongue." I retort.

"Touché Miss Granger." Fred responds before running a hand down my arm before backing away. "I'll see you this evening." Fred says.

"Mmkay." I reply before slowly falling back to sleep.

     A few hours later someone else shakes me awake and I groan in frustration. My eyes crack open grumpily and I look up to see Ginny smiling down at me.

"What do you want?" I ask, fluffing my pillow slightly.

"Well it's ten in the morning for one, and mum is requesting you down in the kitchen." Ginny says.

I blink the sleep out of my eyes and look at the clock. It is in fact 10:02 in the morning. "Alright, I'll be down in a second." I say, fumbling out of bed rather clumsily.

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