CHAPTER 1: Nice to meet you

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"Baekhyun are you sure you don't want me to drive you?" Kyungsoo asked but Baekhyun shook his head as he looked down the busy road.

"It's fine, i'm used to walking everywhere anyway" He smiled and Kyungsoo gave him a weird look, no he wasn't used to walking everywhere, before the incident he would always beg for a ride to work, or even pay him just to drop him off somewhere.

"Alright then, goodbye" He ruffled Baekhyuns hair, causing him to giggle and watch as Kyungsoo drove off and sighed as he started walking.

He needed to clear his head, last night he made an idiotic mistake and he'd never forget that embarrassment.

"CHANNIE!" Baekhyun yelled as he jumped into the mans arms, wrapping his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist.

Baekhyun wanted to believe, he really did, he wanted to believe this was his Channie, this was his husband, this was the man he fell in love with.

"I-I think you have the wrong person!" The man panicked and Baekhyuns arms loosened around the man as he jumped off.

"B-But you said my name...kinda...." The man whispered to himself and Baekhyun blushed as he looked away, realising the mistake he just made.

He was embarrassed and heart broken because for a second....just for a second he believed that he had found his love, the man he had been looking for.

"Oh god! I am SO sorry, I thought you were someone else" Baekhyun bowed blinking the forming tears away quickly and looked up at him with a smile.

"A-Again i'm sorry, i-its just you remind me of someone" His eyes form into crescents as he smiled, making the tall man stare at him with an unreadable expression.

"I-I think i'll be off now" Baekhyun forces himself to turn away and starts running away, with tears running down his face leaving the stranger there.

The pain of losing a loved one, the pain of your loved one losing you, the pain of not being able to see your own child grow, the pain of not being by your loved ones sides, the pain of knowing there is a chance you will never see them again while you live perfectly fine, these are all the emotions Baekhyun is feeling as he runs away

"What am I thinking about? He isn't my Channie so I shouldn't be sad, he isn't the one I love so I have no reason to love him either" Baekhyun shook his head and realised he must have been in thought too long because he walked past his work place.

He ran back and looked up at the gigantic building, he was terrified, what if it broke and fell on him? What if he went up and fell from the top? What if he accidentally falls from a window?

Baekhyun was terrified, buildings should NOT be this big yet he still shook his head and walked into the gigantic building, his eyes closed tightly.

Baekhyun looked around in admiration, the building was gigantic and was full of busy people, but suddenly started feeling insecure about how he was dressed.

While everyone was wearing fancy suits Baekhyun was wearing a white button down and a white striped jacket his white hair had a few strays and he was wearing white jeans, which he found totally uncomfortable, with a, as Kyungsoo put it, black 'choker' but he didn't get it, back when he was his old self, a choker would be wrapped around your neck and tightened until you turned purple, they would let you go for a minute to catch air, then repeat it, this didn't do any of that.

So now here he was, shyly walking up to the woman at the front desk, her head down as she worked on the computer, blocking his view of her.

"Excuse me..." He asked and she looked up with a small smile on her face as she looked Baekhyun up and down.

"Hi, how can I help you sweetie?" She asked and Baekhyun played with the hem of his shirt and bit his lip.

"I am Mr.Parks new assistant" He said and she smiled before looking back at the computer.

"Oh yes, you need to go to the 30th floor at the end of long hallway, he doesn't like to be kept waiting so I suggest you hurry" She urged and Baekhyun smiled thankfully before running towards the elevator, god how he hated these things.

The first time he went on a elevator he fell over and hit his head because of how it moved so he clung to kyungsoo the whole time who held him the whole way up, seeing as that every time he put Baekhyun down, he started crying.

Baekhyun took in a deep breath as the elevator started going up, there was no one else in the elevator which was good since Baekhyun would be tempted to jump onto them and cling until he gets to the top.

Finally after the long and horrible trip Baekhyun was able to breathe as he stepped out, god anxiety got him in that elevator.

He kept walking until finally he got to the door at the end of the long hallway labeled 'Mr.Parks office'

He felt anxious as he knocked on the door, maybe he should just quit now and live on the streets.....

He was broken out of his thoughts by a grunt from the other side of the door and opened it and without even looking up, bowed as soon as he stepped in.

"Hello Mr.Park, my name is Byun Baekhyun your new assistant" He kept his eyes closed as he bowed before he heard a small chuckle and looked up hesitantly to be met with the same eyes from last night.

"Well if it isn't the lost puppy who bumped into me last night" He chuckled and Baekhyun looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Well I guess we haven't formally met" He stood up and walked over to Baekhyun, smirking as he looked down at the small boy.

"My name is Park Chanyeol, CEO of Park entertainment and industries" They even share the same name...

"And you are Byun Baekhyun, my new little puppy" Baekhyuns eyes widened and Chanyeol smirked as he took a step closer to Baekhyun, practically trapping him against the door as Baekhyuns heart starting beating obnoxiously fast.

"As soon as you stepped into this office, you became my property, so be prepared"

"That sounds an awful lot like slavery, sir" (sorry sorry)

💀 me when i already had the chapter written 

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