Chapter 5

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First day of college. I was excited but at the same time I was freaking nervous. I hoped everything will turn out to be just fine. Logan called me this morning to wish me luck and a great day. I miss him already. I still wish he was here but I understand.

As I strolled around the campus, I met some familiar faces that I saw yesterday and also new faces. I saw a group of bullies bullying some new students. Gosh I really gotta walk fast and not make any eye contact with them! I also saw some FashionitaGirls wearing shorty short short skirt and Gucci heels. I was not sure if it was Gucci but it sure seemed expensive.

  I was wearing a baby blue T-shirt, skinny jeans and a converse. Yes, this was how I usually dress and I am NOT gonna change that just because I am a college student now. Morever, It's  comfortable. Imagine If I ever trip and fall down, I wouldn't have to worry about people seeing my panties but imagine what will happen if any if those FashionitaGirls fall....... Yeah!

My first class consisted of the FashionitaGirls and I found that the leader of that group's name was Sasha. So cliché! The class was quiet okay. The professor seemed funny and he made quiet a lot of jokes. I was sitting alone in the middle bench not that I care. I usually sit with Logan. I can get use to sitting alone. Or maybe you can make new friends. Hahaha I wish! I was never good at making friends. I am the epitome of socially awkward. Logan was the famous one at school. If it was not for him I would have been an unknown girl in school. Most of them know me as Sam, Logan's girlfriend rather than Sam. Yeah I am quite pathetic.

Next class was in another 15minutes. Crap! I had no idea where it was. I asked a girl and thank goodness she knew where it was. Infact, she offered to walk with me.

"Thank you soo much err.."

"Jessy, my name is Jessy and yeah sure anytime." She smiled at me.

"My name is Sam and see you around." I smiled politely at her and excused myself.

I made it with spare of 7 minutes. There wasn't much seats available. There were only few seats that weren't taken and most of them were at the back. I dont have a great eye-sight and actually I was supposed to wear glasses but I dont like it. I saw a place near a boy. That would do.

"Excuse me." I said to that boy.

"Yes?" He said

I gave him a look that said 'do you mind moving your legs so I can pass by and take my seat.'

But unfortunately, I think that boy is kinda slow because he just smiled and turned away. WHAT THE HELL ?! MOVE DUDE!

"Excuse me, do you mind moving your legs?" I said giving a tight smile.

"Ah, you want to sit beside me." He said smiling his flirty smile.

I just rolled my eyes. Err just because he looks nice doesnt mean he have to be such a douche. Gosh why does all cute and handsome boys have to be a douche?! Do they have some sort agreement?!

I just stood there patiently, waiting for him to understand my message that I dont give a damn on how he look. I think he understood my message because he mumbled something under his breath and he moved his leg. Good!

Throughout the class MrHotty aka CuteDouche was quiet. Maybe he was not so slow after all. He seemed quite smart. We made few eye contacts but I quickly turned away.

After the class was over, I started packing my bag for my next class. MrHotty aka CuteDouche kept staring at me.

I raised my eyebrow as in asking 'What?'

He just shook his head and smiled and said "I'm Zach."

He offered his hand to shake. I didn't  know but for some reason I was kinda nervous but then I offered my hand. The next thing I know was that I was screaming. He was holding an electric shock handshake toy! That asshole!

He just laughed out loud and said,

"Catch you later interesting girl."

Having an enemy in college, check!


Hey guys, please ignore my typos and grammatical mistakes. I was typing this using my cell-phone. I will go through this chapter again tomorrow guys. So yayyy !!! Yall met Zach and yeapp he is a total Douchebag for noww ? Forever ? idk You guys just have to wait and find out. Please vote and comment guys. It will only take less than a second to vote but the smile you will see on my face will be SUPER BRIGHT :D Yes, and this is 100% my idea. I did NOT steal this from anyone. It is MINE AND ONLY MINE. PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT GUYSS .... COMMENT ME YOUR REVIEWWSSSSSSS :D

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