Part tres

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Minutes later the door bell rang
"I'll get it" jake said climbing over the back of the settee
"I'm so exited!" I say in a sing-song tone after finishing my second glass.
Seconds later jake comes in 6 pizza boxes high.
"Pizza!" Elisia shouts and I guess she's maybe a bit tipsy aswell, she runs over to jake and takes the top box off and resides in seat on ash's lap. I run into the hallway where the little bar thing is and I grab a bottle of pink gin and took a gulp
"Pizza!" I repeat to Elisia and we both burst out laughing, I run up to jake and jump on his back he grunts from the impact but still holds my weight
"Woah" he steadies himself "Sean come get the pizza" and Sean takes the five boxes left, jake hoists me up on his back and he runs behind the settee and around the room
"Wait, wait! I think I'm gonna be sick !" I muster up out of the laughter. He slowly sits me on the settee where I take another gulp before passing it to Elisia where she has one.
"Can we watch now!" Jai says with a beer in one hand and a slice of ham and mushroom in the other.

The movie is kinda boring when you're drunk. From my seat on the ground I stand up and walk over to jake, I casually sit next to him but with my legs on his
"Row, you okay?" He leans over whispering in my ear trying not to disturb anyone
"Just peachy... don't go back please, I just need someone to look after me." I almost cringe after hearing that, I sound so pathetic
"I'm not going anywhere, not yet anyway," he grasps my hand and I feel like he's telling me I'm not grossly sad and it's sorta nice "anyway when I'm not here I'm always in here" he says gesturing to my heart
"That's was really, really, really nerdy of you, but I liked it" I pull him into an innocent kiss, that's what girls do when they're drunk, they kiss boys or men I guess. As I pull away I begin to laugh and it's really bad, jakes face turns red and everyone looks at us
"What's funny? Will just told Louisa that he's gonna kill himself." Sean blurts out a bit agitated about wills Impending death
"It's not will," I gesture to the tv screen "its me! I'm pathetic. I just heard what I said in my head and I sounded really stupid 'I need someone to look after me' really rowan really?" I continue laughing and the rest are just sitting there amazed, Elisia who's obviously a little drunk starts laughing with me,  and like clock work one by one everyone else joins in. Brandon, who I've tried to avoid, is really obviously faking the laugh, it just doesn't show in his eyes.

The laughing finally stopped and the worst bit is playing. I sigh trying to not show how upset I am by will, I turn my head to see Tessa crying a bit and wiping them off with her top sleeve, jai is sniffling a bit and Elisia is making out with Ash
"Elisia" I harshly whisper and she swings her head, her lipstick is smudged everywhere "watch" she smiles with her eyes closed but completely discarded me.

The movie is finally finished and my cheeks are riddled with tears
"I'm tired" I announce swinging my legs of jake and standing up with a wobble
"I'm okay, I'm okay" I say holding my hands out. "You can all sleep wherever u want in my room, in Trevor's, in here, I don't care I'm going to bed" I take one last slice of pizza and leave the lounge.

Faint footsteps follow behind me
"Row, are you okay?" Elisia asks
"Of course, I Just love pizza" I take a bite "do you know what else I love?" In response she lifts her eyebrows up
"You!" I let out a airy laugh and swing my arm around her "I wanna go to bed." moments later I lie down in my double bed and she plops down beside me.
"Are you and Ash in love?" I bring myself up and lay on a elbow
"Yep. I love him and I really need him to love me." She's drunk, the slowness and ditsyness in our voices really show how intoxicated we are
"He loves you"
"He kissed Zoe" my eyes widen
"Ash we're not friends" I shout loudly in hopes he hears me
"She's a bitch" i say to try and give her some comfort
"A pretty bitch" she adds
"Pretty ugly" I snort and we both burst into laughing
"Who do you love?" She asks
"No who do you LOVE?"
"I use to love Jake, but now I really like him and I love me and I love Shawn Mendez"
"Oh yeah he's sexy" she nods "brandon?"
"I like Brandon. But don't tell him, he's too full of himself. His ego is to fat as it is" I giggle
"Goodnight rowan" Elisia yawns holding her pinky with mine
"Goodnight Elisia"  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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