the return of jazmin riz and kyra

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It's been a year since I've been hear me riz and kyra step  out the car riz is going to college to get he's degrees kyra going to primary school and I'm going to six form riz is now 19 I'm 17 kyra is 4 and now I'm going to move in whit riz we have a houes down hear so I go see my bro while riz is sorting out the houes I kiss him he kisses back kyra kisses he's cheak
Jazmine you excited
Kyra yeah mummy can't wait to see uncle Cory and uncle Jordon and grandpa
Jazmine knocks on the door Cory answer the door whit a baby on he's hip it looks like a new born 
Kyra uncle Cory uncle Cory jumping up and down
Cory hey little monkey so your back now
Jazmine yeah hugs Cory Cory hugs back
Jazmin so where allya
Cory in bed
Jazmine oh cool I see u latter Jazmine goes to houes kyra whit missy Jazmine sit on riz lap while he's watching tv he's rubing her legs up and down and kisses her neck he put a hand down her short and she start moaning then she get on her knesss and start sucking he's groaning he get out a condom she stop him
Jazmine no it fine
Riz u sure
Jazmine yeah she rides he
Then Jasmine say something
Jazmine riz I want another baby
Will riz give her another baby
Or are they till young comment.and vote

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